Night Of Celebration

Night fell and the festival in Rogaland began in earnest, a big celebration was held for Tyr.

He was one of the most important guests that King Rugalf has had in his kingdom in recent years. 

Everyone looked at him, amazed that the story about his skin held as not everyone had seen a dark-skinned individual but Tyr was used to this sort of bewilderment by now. 

It happened mostly everywhere he went, alcohol and the stench of lust filled the room but they were a lot more refined than the orgy he experienced when with Kolbeinn. 

Tyr still shuddered at the thought of that day, Tyr watched Finn having his fair amount of fun. 

It was not a sight he was used to and even Nora was surrounded by men that were eager to hear her tales and of course, get in her pants. 

These were clean men, they did not look as rough as the men in the place she called home.