Chapter - 6

Forbidden Love - Chapter 6

"" - Quotes

'' - Thoughts

Since Aira had powers like Nullification, she was considered a special class student as none of the other powers worked on her. She was studying in the Academy for a year, with her classmates surrounding her, living a happy life, as she imagined she would. But one day The Headmaster decided that he will snatch Aira's perfectly pretty life from her. He had eyes on her since the time she joined The Academy. He wanted her powers for himself. Then he would be very powerful himself if no one could use their powers against him, and he could also steal other people's powers and make them vulnerable. A mere human.

One fine day, The Headmaster called her to his office, just for a cup of tea apparently, but he knew better as to what he wanted. Aira took a leave from her class and reported to the Headmaster.

Headmaster's POV

"Come in Aira! I've been waiting for you. Have a seat" gesturing to her to sit. 'I might be the most powerful person starting today. The only issue at hand would be to seduce her, for her to give up her powers willingly. There are only two ways that powers can be transferred. One is by making love, and if one proclaims to give their powers to the other person. This also can only happen if the power user is in love. The other way would be to do a complete ritual with 3 blood relatives included. But according to her history and background, she does not have any other living relatives. I would have to go ahead with the first method.'

"So Aira, tell me, how is class and school at Celestial Academy going? I've been told that you have the potential to excel in your academics, but you just choose to be oblivious to it." "Not at all Sir, I am yet to excel in anything, but I have made really great friends all thanks to you. That day, if you wouldn't have recognized my gifts and brought me to the Academy, I wouldn't have had another family to call my own." Aira replied in a gleeful and cheerful voice. I could see the glow on her face. 'Oh! Such innocence' I thought. 'She has no clue what is in store for her.' "Of course my sweet child! Anything for such a talented gift user like you." I could see the innocent child, laugh and blush and be so proud of herself all at the same time. "Headmaster! Would you come and join me and my friends for playtime today? We'll all be practicing using our powers on different elements today. I definitely want you to come" saying this she started jumping up and down. 'Oh, God! Someone stop this bitch.' "Why of course! I'll be delighted to see my precious students' progress with the nurturing of their gifts. I'll join you all during your set time."