The Entire Class Transmigrated!


Inside the aircraft cabin, everyone turned pale with fright.

Beside Su Hei, Wang Dong was startled.

"North and South Koandria have gone to war?" he said.

"But South Koandria has Anglandur's troops stationed there. How is it possible that North Koandria has managed to invade South Koandria and even seize its capital? This shows that they're really powerful!"

Su Hei was also stunned. After all, the disparity between North and South Koandria's military capabilities was evident to all.

Although South Koandria's military power was merely average, it had the world hegemon, Anglandur, backing them.

If North Koandria did not use its missiles, it had no chance of defeating South Koandria at all.

But North Koandria had defeated South Koandria. That much was obvious and indisputable, so Su Hei had to believe it.

Moreover, it was not important whether they believed in the news or not. The most important thing was for them to remain alive.

The aircraft had already started its descent, lowering its altitude by several thousand meters.

At that height, everyone could see the military troops of both countries engaged in battle with each other.

Third-generation fighter jets soared through the skies at high speed while antique tanks buzzed loudly.

It was chaos below. Bullets were flying through the air, explosions, cannons firing. It was an astonishing sight to see.


Suddenly, there was an ear-deafening explosion.


Following that, the plane started to shake violently.

Very soon, a voice rang out once more from the intercom.

"Passengers… Our plane…. Has been attacked… Please… According to the cabin crews' instructions… Grab a parachute and jump!" The message could not be heard clearly because of the static.

Following that, the message ended in a burst of static.

Everyone was in a state of shock.

When the message ended, Su Hei was startled.

They were under attack!

They had to jump from the plane with parachutes on!

He wondered if his ears were playing tricks on him.

Just as Su Hei was feeling puzzled, he saw a flight stewardess who was striving to maintain her composure. She approached him, bent down, and took out a black parachute pack from below his seat.

"Sir, please put your parachute pack on and assemble at the cabin door with the other passengers!" she instructed.

"This is bad. We're really going to jump from the plane," thought Su Hei.

At the same time, almost everyone had gotten their parachute pack. All of them started to speak.

"I'm a goner!"

"I have a fear of heights! I don't want to jump out of the plane!"

"I don't even dare to bungee jump from a height of 50 meters, yet now I've to jump an altitude of several thousands of meters?"

"I'm still young! I don't want to die yet! I'm still a virgin!"

"Jinyu, although I'm not romantically interested in you, can you let me have a look at your bosom before I die?"

"Fatso! Don't make me go there and kick you to death!"

There was the sound of sobbing. "I'm about to die, yet you won't allow me to enjoy myself one last time!"


There was chaos in the cabin.

In the face of danger, even Li Hua had a terrified look on her face. She was scared, like how a teenage girl would be.

"S-Su Hei, what should we do?" Li Hua stammered.

Jiang Jinyu was beside Li Hua. Jiang Jinyu's usual aloof expression was now one of fear. She was also staring at Su Hei with fear written all over her face.

Su Hei lightly furrowed his brows.

If only he knew what to do.

He would be lying if he said that he was not afraid. After all, he was made of flesh and blood. In such a situation, it was difficult for one to escape with their life intact.

However, seeing that Li Hua and Jiang Jinyu were both looking at him, Su Hei took a deep breath and smiled.

"It's going to be okay. Close your eyes. I'll hold onto both of you. Just treat this as doing bungee jumping at the amusement park," he soothed.

Just as he finished his sentence, Li Hua and Jiang Jinyu were already holding onto him on his left and right side respectively.

Su Hei was the only one who was capable of setting their minds at ease. They followed him and stood near the cabin door.

This was an emergency. Using all their combined strength, the cabin crew managed to force the door open.


A gust of strong wind entered the cabin. It was so strong that everyone could scarcely stand.

"There's no more time! Jump now!"

Amidst the strong wind, the cabin crew yelled at Su Hei and his companions.

"What the heck? Are we really going to jump?"

"I feel like regardless of whether we jump or not, we are still going to die."

Su Hei's classmates were horrified and panic-stricken. All of them stared at the cabin door, and none of them dared to jump off the plane.

Su Hei took a few consecutive breaths. He forcibly suppressed his fear and turned back to look at the classmates standing behind him with a composed look.

"Listen to me. I did skydiving before in Hofcaster, so I've some experience in this."

"The most difficult thing about skydiving is resisting the pressure that pushes back at us as we fall," he said.

"I suggest that everyone hold hands and jump. That would greatly increase our chances of survival."

A male classmate was still immersed in fear, unable to extricate himself from it. "Is this doable?"

Wang Dong staggered toward that male classmate and held onto his hand. "Think about it. For the past few years, has the class president ever played tricks on us?"

Following that, he looked toward the rest of his classmates and yelled, "Those of you who are willing to trust our class president, come over and hold hands."

At this moment, Chu Chen took a step forward. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you look at it from the aerodynamics perspective, Su Hei's words do make sense."

As he spoke, he grabbed onto Wang Dong's other hand.

Following that, all of the students started to hold hands with one another. In the end, they all joined hands with Su Hei, Li Hua, and Jiang Jinyu.

"Take attendance now!"

Su Hei instructed his classmates.




-Everyone began to count off.

"Eighteen! Mr. Class President, all of the 18 students in Senior Class One are accounted for! We're ready to make the jump!"

Su Hei turned back to look one more time at them and offered a faint smile.

"All right. Then… Let's jump!"

Su Hei let out a loud roar as he took the lead and jumped down.


Everyone let out piercing screams in such a nervous yet thrilling circumstance.

18 of them were aligned in a straight line, but gradually, they formed a circle formation.

"Open your parachutes!" Su Hei ordered.

Although it was their first time doing this, everyone had developed an unspoken rapport over the years they had known each other.


The parachutes all opened simultaneously.

"Woohoo! This feels amazing!" Wang Dong yelled excitedly.

The fat on his face rolled back because of the powerful air current.

Suddenly, Wang Dong let out a silly-sounding chuckle.

"Look at that bird! It's huge!" he remarked.

"A huge bird?" thought Su Hei.

He did not know why, but his heart shuddered within him.

Su Hei looked down and instantly, his face went white as a sheet.

"Damn it! This is a missile!" he cursed.

"All of you let go of one another and spread out!" Su Hei ordered.

He shouted at the top of his lungs.

However, it was all too late.

The moment the flaming missile whizzed past Su Hei, brilliant sparks started to emerge from it.

"We're goners," thought Su Hei.

He smiled bitterly.

The next instant, the missile exploded.

An astoundingly large mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke and flames rose into the sky.

Thousands of meters up in the air, there was nothing left except for those 18 parachutes, which were on fire and fluttering in the wind.

Nobody noticed that a ray of light had penetrated the sky and disappeared.


"Spread out! Quick, we have to spread out!"

Su Hei woke with a shout of terror and quickly sprang up from bed.

He immediately sensed that something was amiss. He should still be holding hands with his classmates as they parachuted from the plane. Su Hei wondered why he was in this place.

Su Hei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and studied his surroundings.

There was a bed on both sides of him. Wang Dong and Chu Chen were still unconscious.

The room was furnished in a contemporary style. "Looks like this isn't hell, and we aren't dead!" he thought.

"Could it be that I'm still alive?" he muttered to himself.

"But where exactly are we?"

Just as Su Hei was feeling puzzled, his mind was suddenly overwhelmed by a torrent of memories.

He was astounded.

"We have trans… transmigrated?" he thought.

From the new memories that he had received, Su Hei learned that they were still on Earth.

However, there was a huge difference between this world and the world they had come from concerning the quality, biodiversity, culture, etc.

Martial arts were prevalent in this world. The stronger fighters had supremacy and the power to do anything they wanted.

If that were only the case, Su Hei was fine with transmigrating here. After all, he could learn martial arts and become a person with extraordinary strength and power. On top of that, he could be a normal civilian and live out the rest of his life peacefully.

However, in this world, humans were not the main species in charge anymore!

There were dire beasts, demon beasts, and celestial behemoths. These beasts could swallow nuclear bombs whole and shake mountains.

That was especially so for celestial behemoths. The smallest of them was large enough to cover the entire sky. With one roar from it, it could cause the deaths of civilians in millions of cities. Even if humans had different types of talents in martial arts, they were still no match for these beasts.

In order to become more powerful so that they could effectively fight back against those beasts, the humans narrowed their scope of activities to a very small radius. In addition, they had built up survival bases all on each continent.

Despite that, there were still cases of survival bases being infiltrated which resulted in countless casualties.

"How terrifying!"

Su Hei's Adam's apple bobbed nervously. He was beyond stunned by this information.

He felt annoyed when he saw Wang Dong and Chu Chen sleeping soundly.

They were already in such a situation, yet both of them could still sleep so soundly!

Su Hei stood up and gave a good hard kick to both of them.