Become a Martial Artist


"Darn it! Quick, Su, run!"

On the bed next to Su Hei's, Wang Dong woke up screaming and then propped himself up on his elbows.

Registering that he was in an unfamiliar environment, he noticed Su Hei beside him and rushed toward him excitedly.

"Su! We're still alive!"

Su Hei easily avoided him, allowing Wang Dong's momentum to propel him through the air and onto Chu Chen's body.


Chu Chen was jolted awake and spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were wide open, and his eyeballs were almost popping out of their sockets.

"Wang Dong, are you trying to kill me?"

Wang Dong struggled to get up from Chu Chen's body and smiled fatuously.

"My bad, my bad. I was too agitated," he apologized.

"Chu Chen, we're still alive!" Wang Dong said.

Only after hearing that did Chu Chen realize that they had escaped death.

He looked at his surroundings in amazement, and there was an elated look on his face.

Su Hei's next words dampened their enthusiasm.

"Don't get too happy yet, sift through your memories for information on this place."

Wang Dong and Chu Chen froze. Following that, they seemed to have gotten a shock, sitting back on their beds in a daze.

Needless to say, both of them were still digesting the memories relating to this world.

After some time, Chu Chen was the first to snap back to reality.

"We have… transmigrated?" he asked.

He found it incredulous. Something that only occurred in novels had happened to him now.

"In this world, there are martial artists who have talents and celestial behemoths too. This sounds crazy."

Wang Dong had a dubious look on his face.

"It's evident that this is our reality now," said Su Hei.

He sighed.

"The place we're at now is the Zosteylor's survival base that's situated in Quilton," Su Hei continued.

"We're in Quilton's martial arts academy. Very soon, we'd have to awaken our talents."

"The worst thing is that once we have awakened our talent, we will have to join the City Defense Team as martial artists."

That meant that very soon, they would have to battle those terrifying beasts, which included dire beasts, demon beasts, and celestial behemoths!


Wang Dong lay back in bed. His face was totally devoid of color.

"Ultraman should be the one to fight monsters, not us! What has this got to do with us?" he complained.

"Oh, heavens! I'd rather you allow me to get killed in that missile attack. At the very least, I wouldn't have to watch myself being torn apart by beasts!"

Chu Chen remained silent. However, from the panic that flared across his face, his thinking was not too different from Wang Dong's.

Normally, at this point in time, Su Hei would step out and encourage the rest.

However, even Su Hei himself had mixed feelings.

Having lived in a peaceful world for more than a decade, he was now forced to combat horrifying beasts. No matter who it was, they would find it hard to accept the sudden change in their lives.

At this moment, someone knocked on their door.

"Su Hei, Wang Dong, Chu Chen, are you three inside?" A voice rang out.

The trio exchanged confused glances with one another.

Su Hei got up and walked over to the door to open it.

A girl wearing a black work suit was standing in front of their door. She gave off the aura of a mature and sophisticated adult.

From her appearance, it seemed that she was about the same age as Su Hei. She had a fair complexion, bright eyes, and long fluttering hair. She was not a glamorous beauty, but she was still a stunner.

This girl was called Lin Nianlei, and she was the teacher for Class D.

Su Hei immediately sifted through his memories, looking for anything related to her.

"Ms. Lin, is something the matter?" he politely asked.

Su Hei had a pleasant expression.

Having been the class president for three years, Su Hei was composed when he had to interact with teachers. He was unlike his classmates, who felt nervous and uneasy if they had to face teachers.

Lin Nianlei poked her head into the room and surveyed the space. Seeing that Wang Dong and Chu Chen were also there, her anxious expression vanished. Very soon, her face darkened once more.

"The Talent Awakening Ceremony is about to begin. All of your other classmates are already there. What's going on with the three of you?" she fumed.

Su Hei froze before he quickly came up with a reply.

He had a smile on his face as he explained, "I'm sorry, Ms. Lin. The three of us are a little nervous, so we didn't sleep well last night. That's why we're late for the ceremony."

Upon hearing his explanation, Lin Nianlei looked less angry than before. She did not blame them anymore.

She even consoled them, saying, "It's good that you're nervous. That means that you guys attach great importance to the Talent Awakening Ceremony. However, there's no need to be overly nervous about it. Relax. The teachers have all seen how you normally perform in class. You'll definitely be able to awaken a pretty good talent."

"Thank you, Ms. Lin!"

Su Hei grinned at Lin Nianlei.

"All right then, quickly get yourselves prepared. The ceremony is about to begin," urged Lin Nianlei.


Su Hei and the other two boys freshened themselves up before following Lin Nianlei out of the dormitory.

Along the way, Wang Dong chuckled lewdly and whispered into Su Hei's ear.

"Su, I'll be honest with you. Our teacher is really gorgeous. If we're back in our original world, she'd be a popular social media influencer who has tens of millions of followers."

Su Hei raised his hand and gave Wang Dong a hard slap on the head. Wang Dong covered his head with his hands and hissed in pain.

"Don't forget the place we're in now. Since she's a teacher at the martial arts academy, she should be quite capable herself. If you mess with her and get her enraged, she will probably kill you with one smack."

Upon hearing that, Wang Dong was so terrified that he immediately covered his mouth with his hands.


The assembly hall was filled with people.

"Su Hei!"

When Su Hei and the boys entered the hall, Su Hei heard someone calling out to him.


Su Hei was overjoyed.

He had been worried about the rest of them. He feared that Huahua did not survive the missile attack and did not transmigrate here.

He took a look and realized that not only Huahua was there, but Jiang Jinyu and the other classmates were there too. All of them were sitting on the seats reserved for Class D.

Su Hei, Wang Dong, and Chu Chen quickly walked over and gathered with their other classmates.

"Class President!"

"Wang Dong!"

"Chu Chen!"

"Now all of us from Senior Class 1 are finally here!"

Everyone was overjoyed. They still had that rapport with one another, so none of them brought up the matter of transmigration.

Nothing mattered as long as they were all still alive.


In the assembly hall, all of the teachers crowded around the dean of the academy, Ji Donglin.

Apart from them, there was still a section leader from the City Defense Team who had come to oversee the ceremony.

After all, the Talent Awakening Ceremony concerned the combat power of Quilton's survival base.

At this moment, the 30-year-old section leader—Qin Feng—was smiling as he conversed with Ji Donglin.

"Mr. Ji, you haven't introduced to me this batch of students who are participating in the Talent Awakening Ceremony." Qin Feng smiled.

Ji Donglin chuckled. He had a gleeful look on his face.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin. The four classes of students who will be taking part in this ceremony are of high caliber. Even Class D, who is the worst performing of them, has a few outstanding students."

Upon hearing that, Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

"If you're not lying, that means our survival base's combat strength will greatly increase!"

"That's for sure!" Ji Donglin smilingly said.

Following that, he stepped onto the stage.

"Silence!" Ji Donglin yelled.

"The Talent Awakening Ceremony will commence now!"

At his order, the ceremony officially began!

There were four altars placed in the assembly hall.

Every student merely needed to walk to the altar and place their hand on it to complete the talent awakening ritual.


"Class President, what should we do?"

"If we awaken our talents, we will need to join the City Defense Team and fight with beasts."

"I miss my mother, I want to go home…"

"Can we… Can we still go back?"

All the students in Senior Class One surrounded Su Hei. All of them were in low spirits.

Seeing that, Su Hei had no choice but to pull himself together. Trying to act in a composed manner, he smiled.

"Of course, we can. Don't forget that we're in a world that has martial arts now."

"As long as we become martial artists and focus on cultivating, who knows? We might be able to tear the void apart and cross the universe to return to our original home!"

"The class president is right!"

"The earlier we become martial artists, the earlier we can return home!"


With a few words from Su Hei, he managed to cheer up and motivate his classmates.