End of the Recruitment Examination


Cao Guangning was lost in his thoughts. "Su Hei didn't die?" he thought.

"Even the black-ringed Leopard King can't do anything about him?"

"How could this be?"

Even if Su Hei managed to kill the Leopard King, there were still dozens of black-ringed leopards. It was impossible for him to kill all of them.

"Someone must have helped him, just like how Mr. Xu helped me!" he thought.

No matter what, Cao Guangning refused to acknowledge that Su Hei had gotten first place. He felt disheartened.

As the class president of Class C, Cao Guangning had always thought of himself to be as gifted as the students in the elite classes. He felt that he was in a different league from those in Class D and that they should not be compared with him at all.

After he awakened his Lightning Elemental power, he was even more certain that he was on par with geniuses like Li Burou and Bai Tiantian.

However, Cao Guangning's thinking changed after Su Hei appeared.

He wondered if he was worse than the students in Class D.

"No! That's impossible!" he thought.

Cao Guangning clenched his fists tightly and stared at Su Hei with hate-filled eyes.


At that moment, Su Hei was staring at the system interface in front of him.

While battling with the Eight-Eyed Blood Wolf, he unleashed an ability to envelop his body with his Elemental powers.

Even his strength had changed. It went from 52,100 to 59,000.

His combat power had increased by nearly 7,000!

"Everyone's combat strength has increased, and their strength has also increased by 500 points. Real combat is indeed the fastest way to increase one's strength," he mused.

Su Hei was very satisfied.

In his opinion, he was now equivalent to the boss of a company.

Wang Dong, Li Hua, Jiang Jinyu, and the others were his employees.

Every cent that the employees earned from selling goods would naturally be transferred to Su Hei's bank account.

By relying on the magical summation system, Su Hei could increase his strength even if he did nothing.

Genius martial artists and peerless prodigies would never be able to compare to his cultivation speed.

No matter how fast one's cultivation speed was, that person was by himself.

Leading 17 outstanding martial artists meant that Su Hei would have 17 extra cultivation paths. Furthermore, in the future, there would only be more and more "employees" under him.

A single-core processor could not be compared to his unlimited multi-core processor.

Su Hei turned off the system interface. He was about to lie down to rest when he suddenly frowned.

He could feel someone's eyes on him, watching him with a cold stare.

He turned around and saw a few people outside the tent. It was Qin Feng, Li Burou, Bai Tiantian, and Cao Guangning.

The moment Su Hei's gaze swept over them, Cao Guangning immediately withdrew his gaze and looked to the side calmly.

Su Hei felt that Cao Guangning had given himself away when he avoided his gaze.

Su Hei was puzzled.

He wondered, "I didn't do anything to provoke him, so why is he staring at me like that?"

He sifted through his memories. His predecessor was not associated with Cao Guangning in any way at all.

Seeing that Cao Guangning was no longer paying any attention to him, Su Hei dismissed the thought from his mind.


Everyone was resting in the tents that had been pitched at the assembly area.

After a while, night fell.

Only then did a figure appear.

Su Hei glanced out through the flap of his tent and saw an ordinary-looking boy.

The boy was thin as a twig, and he was rather ordinary-looking. In addition, that boy had no temperament whatsoever.

Initially, Su Hei thought that the boy had passed the test by killing the required number of dire beasts.

Unexpectedly, the boy stood in front of Qin Feng—who had just walked out of the tent—and handed him a token.

Following that, he entered an empty tent and got some shuteye.

He did not say a word throughout the entire process. This boy was quiet and nonchalant, seemingly indifferent to everything.

Qin Feng was also surprised to see the token that the boy handed him. He turned around and went back to the military tent.

"Who is in charge of tracking that recruit?" he asked.

Those who could obtain the assessment token were all outstanding talents.

All movements of Su Hei, Li Burou, Bai Tiantian, and Cao Guangning were closely monitored by the City Defense Team.

Only four assessment tokens were placed for the recruitment exam this time around, and it was meant for all four of them to find.

However, the assessment token that Su Hei obtained was from the previous recruit examination, so there was one extra token.

Nobody expected that it would land in the hands of the plain-looking boy.

"Leader Qin, I found it."

A soldier quickly displayed that boy's information on the large monitor.


Name: Zhang Xiaofan

Age: 16

Class talent: Swordsman

Elemental ability: Wind

Vitality: 87

Combat power: Unknown

Origin: Clear Skies Dojo


"Clear Skies Dojo? Does Quilton have such a martial arts dojo?"

Qin Feng felt a little puzzled.

In the information they had on him, apart from his Vitality being surprisingly above average, the other aspects of Zhang Xiaofan were considered normal.

But no matter what, the fact that he could get an assessment token meant that Zhang Xiaofan was not as ordinary as he seemed.

Not long after, another person returned to the gathering place.

The four assessment tokens had already been taken, so the people who appeared after that were martial artists who had produced passable results.

Stars scattered scarcely throughout the dark sky. The sun and moon exchanged places and it was daytime.

At noon, Xun Chengwu called for those martial artists who had returned to gather.

At this moment, a group of severely injured and disheveled martial artists staggered into the camp.

"We're back! We're finally back!"

A young man who had spiky red hair kneeled on the ground and started sobbing hysterically.

A few people also collapsed to the ground, unable to move a muscle.

These people were martial artists from the Flaming War Dojo. From the looks of it, they seemed to have gone through an extremely tragic battle.

"F*ck! I survived!" Li Daloong clutched onto the raw open wound in his chest as tears welled up in his eyes.

He almost thought that he was going to die. "It feels good to be able to safely return to the camp!" he thought, feeling a little emotional.

The medical team was quickly dispatched, and they treated Li Daloong and the others on the spot.

"From now on, all those who have yet to arrive will be eliminated!"

With Xun Chengwu's announcement, the recruitment examination ended.

The martial artists who had successfully passed the test heaved a sigh of relief.

Among them, the martial artists from the martial arts academy had the highest passing rate. There were a dozen or so students from the two normal classes who had yet to return, but all students from the elite classes passed the test.

From this alone, one could see the difference between the normal classes and the elite classes.

The passing rate of the martial artists from the various martial arts dojos was even lower.

Of the thousands of martial artists who had participated in the test, less than half had passed.

"Everyone, get on the vehicles! We'll be returning to base camp!"

Everyone, including Su Hei and his team, got into the armored personnel carrier.

Li Hua and those who were seriously wounded had already been sent back to the Quilton base for treatment after receiving emergency medical care.

Soon, the convoy of vehicles started to drive toward the Quilton base.

Outside the camp, there were still some armored personnel carriers waiting for the remaining martial artists who had yet to return.


Not long after, the convoy of vehicles drove into the City Defense Team camp that was located at the Quilton Base.

Quilton was about 50 kilometers long from north to south, and it had a distance of more than 30 kilometers from east to west. A 100-meter steel wall was built at the borders. This was how it became the Quilton Base.

City Defense Team's camps were stationed outside all four directions of the steel wall.

The convoy of vehicles entered the City Defense Team's southern camp.

"Everyone out of the car, now!"

Seeing that all of the vehicles had stopped moving, everyone got out one after another.

Previously, they had passed by the city wall twice, but this was the first time they were so near it.

The moment they got out of the car, Su Hei and the other transmigrators were astounded by the sight of the towering black city wall.