Combat Strength Test


"Good lord, if this thing was placed in our world, it would be one of the top 10 wonders in the world!"

Wang Dong could not help but smack his lips loudly.

He had seen many high-rise buildings that had over 30 floors, but this was the first time he had seen a city wall of the same height. It was even more shocking as the entire city was surrounded by the city walls.

"Everyone, line up!"

In front of the convoy, a few City Defense Team soldiers in camouflage combat uniforms were eyeing them like predators eyeing their prey.

The murderous aura in their eyes was obvious. With one look, anyone could tell that these men had experienced bloodshed and heavy combat.

Everyone quickly quietened down and stood in line.

Xun Chengwu and Qin Feng stepped forward. They gave a salute to a man who was in the lead. That man was middle-aged, and he was covered from head to toe in rippling muscle.

"Commander, all of the recruits who have passed the test are here. Please advise on our next step!"

The middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction and swept his sharp gaze over the recruits.

When his gaze swept past Li Burou, Bai Tiantian, Cao Guangning, and Zhang Xiaofan, he paused momentarily.

When it landed on Su Hei, he even sized the latter up.

When Su Hei met that middle-aged man's gaze, he felt the grim aura of death for an instant.

It was fortunate that Su Hei was strong. If it were anyone else, they would not be able to withstand that aura and blackout.

"What a terrifying gaze. Such dense killing intent!" thought Su Hei.

Su Hei was shocked.

At the same time, he finally understood how powerful martial arts experts were.

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly spoke.

"My name is Sikou Nanbo. In Quilton, I'm the commander of the City Defense Team's southern camp. In addition, I'm also the chief instructor of the City Defense Team in Quilton's survival base."

"You may address me as 'Instructor Sikou'. You guys will be going through boot camp for the upcoming month, and I'll personally train you all."

Many people's expressions changed when they heard the middle-aged man's name was Sikou Nanbo.

From this, it was evident that he was an extraordinary figure.

Su Hei racked his brains but could not find any memories of this Sikou Nanbo. He exchanged looks with Wang Dong, Li Hua, and the others. He saw the confusion in their eyes.

At this moment, someone in the crowd spoke.

"We've already passed the recruitment examination. Why do we still have to go through boot camp?" he questioned.

Sikou Nanbo's expression did not change. He did not even look at the martial artist who raised objections.

He said coldly, "Disqualify him and throw him out of the camp."

Under everyone's dumbfounded gazes, two soldiers in camouflage combat uniforms approached that martial artist and carried him out.

Following that, Sikou Nanbo's eyes scanned the crowd once more.

"Is there anyone else who doesn't want to go through boot camp training?" he asked.

This time, no one dared utter a sound. Not wanting to repeat the mistake of their predecessor, the thousand or so recruits fell silent.

When he saw that, Sikou Nanbo nodded in satisfaction.

"This is the first lesson that I have for you. You are not allowed to question your superiors' orders."

"This is the City Defense Team, and we may be called upon to fight at any time! On the battlefield, we will be engaged in a life-and-death battle. This isn't an ivory tower where you can assert your individual personality."

Sikou Nanbo's voice was booming. He had a voice full of power and authority.

Everybody remained quiet. Nobody dared to say a word.

Sikou Nanbo continued to speak.

"Some of you performed outstandingly in the recruitment test. You have obtained the assessment token, so you can become a section leader."

"But there's something that I want to say first. Don't get complacent just because you were promoted to section leader. Don't go through the boot camp training in a half-hearted manner, thinking that you can get away with it because of your position. After one month, all the recruits will compete with one another. If you don't meet our standards, your leadership role will be taken from you. Don't doubt my words as I have the power to do so!"

"For those who didn't get the assessment token this time around, don't feel disheartened. Focus on your training during the boot camp. You'll have a chance to stand out during the recruitment tournament. At that time, you'll understand that the so-called geniuses aren't all that great, actually."

After hearing his words, hope stirred within the recruits and their eyes lit up with excitement.

Sikou Nanbo was implying that the average person could surpass those geniuses through sheer grit and effort.

They might not believe it if these words came out of others' mouths.

However, Sikou Nanbo was the chief instructor of the City Defense Team!

Everyone around Su Hei was excited at the prospect of overtaking the gifted martial artists, but Su Hei was indifferent to Sikou Nanbo's speech.

He understood the reason behind Sikou Nanbo's speech. He knew that Sikou Nanbo was merely saying that to inspire others so that they would be more passionate and enthusiastic toward training, resulting in better performance.

Su Hei was unbothered by Sikou Nanbo's comment regarding geniuses.

"So what if they're unparalleled geniuses?"

"No matter how gifted they are, they can't compare to my summation system!" he thought.

If one were to compare class talents with his summation system, it was a no-brainer that the summation system was a cut above. The system would give him an unfair advantage over others. It was pointless even if a martial artist was gifted or highly skilled. With his summation system, Su Hei would easily surpass everyone.

Su Hei used to play video games, and he detested players who used cheats. However, he understood one thing after he transmigrated and got a cheat himself.

It felt amazing!

After his encouraging speech, Sikou Nanbo vanished from their sight.

Xun Chengwu became the one in charge again.

"Everyone, we will now test your combat strength according to the sequence you're in. Once that is done, I'll split you guys into teams."

Following Xun Chengwu's order, everyone began the combat strength test.

A total of 20 testing devices were set up on the training ground.

The test was simple. The martial artist simply needed to use his full strength to punch the machine, and the machine would measure his maximum punching power. His strength would be equivalent to his combat power.

Soon, more than half of the recruits had completed the test and received badges that had their level displayed on them.

Most of the recruits had their strength above 1,000 and below 3,000. This was the strength of a beginner-level martial artist.

For those martial artists who were slightly more gifted, their strength exceeded 3,000, and they were awarded the intermediate-level martial artist's badge. Among them was Chu Chen.

Chu Chen and Li Hua contributed the most with regard to the many battles that Su Hei and the others had engaged in in the Forest of Death. They had put themselves in danger time and time again, so their strength had improved the fastest.

Chu Chen got a score of 3,860 on his combat strength test.

Although Li Hua was unable to participate in the combat strength test because of her injuries, her strength and stats had already been added to the summation system. Hence, Su Hei could see the change in her strength at any time. Li Hua's combat strength had reached an astonishing value of 4,912! Thus, she could have a breakthrough to become an advanced-level martial artist anytime now.

"I wonder how Huahua's injures are," Su Hei thought.

At the thought of Li Hua, Su Hei could not help but sigh.

He blamed himself for failing to protect her.


Suddenly, there was an earsplitting crash!

It was a tremendously loud sound that drew the attention of everyone in the area.

"What! His combat strength is more than 9,000?"

"Am I seeing things?"

"He's about to get a breakthrough to the Perfected Realm. Who is this man? He's so powerful! I want to give myself to him!"

An uproar erupted amongst the crowd.

"Cao Guangning, combat strength 9,331, advanced-level martial artist!"

After that announcement, gasps and exclamations of wonder filled the air.

"Cao Guangning is from the martial arts academy, and he's the class president of the normal class—Class C—there. I can't believe that he's an advanced-level martial artist!"

"When did the students from the normal classes become so powerful?"

Amidst the commotion, Cao Guangning had his gaze fixed on Su Hei, who was also among the crowd.

A glint of contempt flashed across his eyes.

"Have a good look at my combat strength. I am the one who is the most powerful, not you!" he thought.