Crossing the bridge

"Halt!" One of the guards shouted as soon as Leon made it obvious he intended on getting on the other side. "State your name and purpose!"

The guards at the bridge were armed better than the ones verifying the visitors to the city. Each of them held a long stick with two prongs at its end, clearly designed for pushing people around from a safe distance.

There was also a short sword by the side of every last one of them while half of their total number also carried a small crossbow attached to the back of their belts.

'It looks like they fear beggars and poor people more than they fear potential invaders,' Leon took notice, slowly raising his hands to make sure he didn't appear as a threat.

There was no point in causing a massive ruckus out in the city.

"I'm Leon," he said, using the same name Leynel knew him as. "I came here with Galaria mercenary band. May I pull out my token?" he asked while keeping his hands up in the air.