General store

"Oh my, oh my, what an unexpected surprise," Leon exclaimed out loud while putting an overexaggerated smile on his face. He lowered his eyelids by a little bit before tuning his voice down. "And here I thought I would have to go on a rampage to catch your attention…"

The man who approached Leon was no one else but the man Leon encountered recently in the forest. The chaosmaker send to Vista Empire to sabotage the enlistment efforts and the man responsible for leading the recruits that Leon saved away to the forest.

And, what was way more important than any of the political shenanigans, this man was Leon's ticket to reinforcing his position in this world.

"I'm glad I found you before you were forced to go that far," the man said with a small smile. He turned his head around, scanning his surroundings with a quick glance. "Didn't you say you wanted to go to a general store?" he then suggested.