Haggling with gold

"Fifteen golden crowns…" Leon muttered. "That's more like it," he said with a small smile. Then, his smile widened. "But it's not enough after you tried to scam me."

"Sir…!" the clerk opened up his eyes wide, putting a look of holy shock on his face. "Scam you? How could I? It was but a…"

"Test?" Leon finished the man's sentence with an ironic smile on his lips. "And how is trying to make me sell my haul for a fraction of its price a test to determine whether I was the one who hunted the beast down and extracted its core?"

"He has a point," the spy added with a smirk of his own. "It's not like the abilities necessary to obtain such core make it more likely for one to know its going price."

"That's…" the clerk hesitated.

His hand then twitched in an extremely tiny, hard-to-notice gesture. But Leon wasn't your average customer. And from the twitch on the spy's face, he wasn't the one to miss it either.

"Esteemed guests, I can only…"