Passiflora? Not on the serviceman's wage!

"Twenty golden crowns," Leon muttered while weighing his now extremely heavy pouch in his hand. "That's quite the loot, isn't it?" he muttered with a satisfied smile.

"It is, indeed," the spy replied while pretending to hide his own smile. "On that note, though," he leaned his head over his shoulder. "That story with the bandits," he asked once they went down the stairs from the main entrance of the general store and moved some distance away, "was it true?"

Leon laughed a little.

"Do I look like someone who would bother killing bandits?" he asked while securing his pouch with the small chain he bought in the bread docks before attaching the pouch to the inner side of his belt.

"I need to reevaluate my opinion about you again, then," the spy replied with no sign of dissatisfaction on his face.

The fact that the two men could walk side by side with smiles on their faces would be weird to anyone who knew of their true identities.