
Gustav didn't have that warhammer of his, which he favoured over any weapon. Either those friendly, stick-like aliens had taken it, or he dropped it back on his homeland upon abduction.

The true reason was a blur, but he still missed it. At the moment for example, he as a big and hairy mammoth, could've hurled that weapon against these rampaging enemies!

"I feel so naked... maybe there are some tiny hammers here somewhere." He thought.

Significant damage was unlikely, and his past tribe would've discouraged such a toss. If he aimed just right however, then at least one enemy could die due to impact alone!

Projectiles were dangerous in any setting, even in simpler occasions. In this case, Gustav had to improvise as he didn't yet find any weapons around the forge.

"Maybe I can toss an ore, or..." He muttered, but wasn't given much time to think it over.

Another one of those destructive beams pierced the air, and crashed on the forge's smelting pit.

A house-sized amount of burning-hot coal rose upwards in exchange, and then shot out across the surroundings! About four more houses were set on fire, but it could've been worse if the forge wasn't located at the edge of the village.

Some hot chunks landed on Gustav's fur, but he could handle it, especially since his skin remained unscathed. He was lucky enough to hide behind that pile of ores, which helped evade most of the trouble.

"Holy shit! That was so badass!" He shrieked as silently as he could, and trembled at the same time.

Gustav was terrified, but also understood that now was the time for action. The pit's stone-foundation was sprinkled all over the place thanks to that explosion, and these remains could be used as projectiles now!

The odds could work to his favour, if he didn't make any mistakes that is. To increase the chances of success, he tried to silently call for attention.

He stared down at those demonic moles, and frantically pointed towards the threat, with restricted movements.

Desperately, he whispered. "Surround them, fuck their legs up..."

It didn't take much convincing for them to follow through, they clawed the ground right away and disappeared within a blink.

They were all pretty healthy, as this disaster didn't flare them up, since they were small targets and hid near their father too.

Regardless though, it would take a while for them to sneak below the enemies, who still were over thirty meters away. Gustav had to be efficient in the meantime.

"If I can keep my head, then it'll be a good day." He thought, and then dashed towards the closest debris.

The mammoth-like form he was currently in, was properly timed. Sure he was a bigger target now, but could also carry at least three times more!

It took little effort to lift the stone-chunk that he reached out for. Tossing this thing would be more difficult though, as it wasn't under forty kilos!

"Ah, this won't work." Gustav guessed.

Instead he hastily put those tough arms and legs into use, just to spin in place. The idea was to build a wave of momentum for this stone, just to toss it as far away as possible!

He could already feel how some power built up, the more he stretched outwards!

"Can't hold it..." Gustav sighed.

This continuous twirl almost threw him off balance, and the weight pierced his fingers as well; He had to let it go.

Thankfully the projectile headed towards the right direction, so his risks didn't go in vain. It only took a couple of seconds until a thud sounded out, indicating impact. He either hit something, or utterly missed.

"Maybe I can slice them now..." Gustav thought, but couldn't risk getting any more exposed.

He grabbed an ore instead and tossed it far out of the battlefield's bounds, which was easy since ores were pretty light. Those orange light beams followed it, and caused a small dust cloud only seconds after the ore chunk landed.

"Okay so they're not dead yet, but kinda slow." He thought.

Moments later, he noticed a few villagers behind him who were mostly guards. They were armed well, but he focused on the archers.

"Shoot when I say so, trust me." Gustav demanded, and assumed the rest knew where the enemies were at.

Seconds later, he tossed two more ores towards the right, about fifty meters away from the battlefield. Just as expected, the enemies reacted with more of those deadly beams; So he tossed one more ore, just to distract them entirely.

Afterwards, he glared at the archers and sharply whispered. "Shoot!"

They barely understood what the plan was, but could only comply. Desperation urged it, and they could only hope for the best!

Gustav gave them a bit more hope, when he started tossing ores forward like a crazed maniac. He didn't stop to take a breath, and even threw three chunks with one of his beefy hands!

He felt that at least some progress had been made, but couldn't actually figure out the results just yet. The archers heaved out many battle-shouts, craving violence and glory!

Countless villagers who panicked in the background, also made it difficult to hear what went on across the enemy's side.

"Some of those fuckers have to be dead, stones don't ask questions!" Gustav hoped.

With that as an excuse, he finally walked away from that pile of ores and stalked the perimeter. He didn't find any attackers yet, which felt blissful.

About five meters away, he spotted a big sword that could definitely prove useful. Since the odds were in his favour now, he sneaked forward without the fear of getting blown into bits!

"Those moles... they should be almost there now." He thought, and hid as close to the forge's walls as possible.

Just as he was about to face the enemies, a thunderous holler got his heart racing. It was gibberish at best, but still bone-chilling!

Gustav didn't know where it came from, but that confusion didn't last for long. A corpse flew above his head, and crash-landed about three-feet away!

It seemed unusual, foreign, and it wasn't easy to detect if this body was decapitated. The six or so dark-green legs it had, didn't help tell things apart.

He had a firm guess of who landed this gruesome kill, once a familiar tone thundered once more. "You wrecked my house, tortoise assed cunt! I'm going to cook you alive!"

"Tunada," He guessed, and gained enough confidence to charge into battle.

He ran around the forge's remains, and met the lady there who carried two war-axes. She was ragefully chopping down on a shelled, two-foot wide creature that had more than enough legs!

"Haha! Good job!" Gustav encouraged.

Once he stared out in the distance though, he noticed how a group of taller creatures, seemingly wrestled with the demons that he unleashed.

Urging to keep his kin safe, he first shouted. "Archers! Stop!"

Gustav could handle an arrow or two, and the pain would feel worthwhile. For that matter, he charged towards the struggling foreigners, and only hoped that they wouldn't shoot out another destructive, orange ray!