Episode 10: Pain and gain.

Samara turned swiftly and tried to turn the knob, but it wasn't working.

"Hey!" She yelled and tried to open the door, but she couldn't. It felt like the door was closed with a glue. She turned and face her head forward. Everywhere was dark and she felt uncomfortable.

"Heavens! Let this not be another trap." Samara prayed silently as she felt her hands become sweaty.

Out of nowhere she found herself stuck inside a water, now it was rushing and going higher. The water was everywhere in the room and was filling up the whole place. She rushed to the door, but she couldn't open it, she hit the door with her fist, but it wasn't helping matters.

"Someone save me. Is anyone outside? I need to get out of this place." She cried and panicked.

Slowly and gently, the water was close to her knee, then to her tight and the next thing she noticed was the water increasing, and it was around her chest. "Somebody help me." She yelled.

"I can't die like this, I can't die like this." She repeated for the second time, her heart hammering against her chest like it was going to pop out of it any moment.

Her eyes were already red and bulgy, and the waters were right at her neck level. The worst part of it was that she couldn't swim.

The rushing water covered her, and she kept struggling inside, taking in all the water that passed through her mouth. She was going to die-She thought fearfully, but then something unexpected happened.

Out of nowhere, she felt a certain power flowing through her veins, she could feel it, but the water she had already consumed was making it hard for her to breathe well.

"What's happening to me?" She questioned no one in particular when she felt pain all over her body and her eyes were becoming blurry.

For a minute, the rushing water stopped flowing, though everywhere was occupied with it. Samara had no idea if she had died or was at the verge of it, she could remember her whole body twisting in extreme pain while her eyes went blur.

She sank to the bottom and her body hit the cold floor, then she heard voices inside her head, someone was screaming her name so loud and clear, but she couldn't move.

There and then, the water started bubbling and heating like it was being boiled in a pot, the entire room began to shake heavily and walls were beginning to crack.

Her eyes snapped opened, and she felt the cold water turn warm. She popped her eyes opened and roamed her head confused. "Am I dead? Is this an afterlife?" She thought, but then she noticed her hand bringing out electric waves.

What's this? She fearfully stood up from the ground and noticed the cracked walls and shaking room.

"Is this still an illusion?" She thought, but her hand was becoming heavier, more like she couldn't control her right hand, and she held it firmly with her left hand.

At that moment all these was happening to Samara and the other kids, Master L was watching it, while paying attention to every detail. He was beyond surprise when he noticed how fast Samara was able to wake up from the water.

He could sense something special in her, and then he sighted something magnificent from the computer he was watching.

"No way!" Mr. Daniel, voice out and looked at his wristwatch. "Louis! You need to see this." He voiced out, and Master L bent and stared keenly at the system.

Samara felt the power moving from her leg up to her abdomen and she whined in pain, while coughing out blood, then she felt it going up to her chest and she whimpered.

"Please stop!" She cried out, but then she felt like something got stuck in her eyes and she moved backwards, almost falling to the ground, but then the pain stopped before she could say a word.

Samara felt strong and powerful, and then she looked at her hand, she decided to combine her both hands together and the room began to shake vigorously, suddenly the door went open, and the roof pulled out.

It was working! Her powers. She thought and the whole place collapsed when she hit her fist on the water and everywhere came crashing down like it was some toy house.

Then she stepped outside, her brown eyes were now gray and sparkling, and she felt unstoppable. She turned slowly and stared behind her, unexpectedly her hands began to stretched towards the plastered water on the floor, and it began to rise, she was controlling it with her hand.

"It has been long we found someone who has the power to control the waters. She is a goddess of storm and rain." Master Louis whispered.