Episode 9: Everything comes with a price.

Samara fell heavily on the ground, but she didn't waste much time on the dirt and musky ground as she dusts herself and rushed into the woods. While Master Louis and the rest of the teachers watched them from a computer.

It was more like a game, but a game of illusion. What they will see or hear with be created due to the eye shade they had on their faces, but the new students had no idea what was going on or about to happen.

The woods became damn quiet and Samara kept turning her head around while trying to catch her breath after running like a thief into the woods.

Instantly, she heard someone yell in a frightening way, and her heart skipped. She began to rush towards the noise without thinking twice. But when the noise died down, and she couldn't trace where it was actually coming from.

The person seems to be in danger, and she wanted to help. She didn't notice the mud she was standing on, not until she felt her leg being stuck in something, and she lowered her gaze to the ground.

"Oh Christ! Not now." She whispered and groaned, how much she hated getting stuck in a mud. She hissed and tried to drag her legs from it, but it was like she kept sinking inside, and it was no longer funny.

"No, please!" she mumbled, when she began to go down into the mud. Suddenly, an idea hit her, and she sighted a thick wood, while there was an old rag close to it. She grabbed the wood and robe immediately and tied them together.

She threw the tied wood onto a tree, and it got stuck there, and she released a breath of relief. Samara successfully pull herself out from the mud, and she almost puked due to the way she has turned.

Then, she heard a creepy sound close to her, and she turned swiftly with widened eyes as she searched around looking for nothing in particular.

"Who is there? Hello?" She called while a shiver run down her spine and she began to move towards the place slowly.

Samara got close to the spot but found nothing, and she took in a deep breath. She closed her eyes for a second and relaxed her back on a tree, but a hand tapped her, and she screamed, but she turned and found nothing.

"Show yourself! This is no longer funny." She voiced out loudly while looking around with popped eyes. Then she heard footsteps, like someone was running away, and she began to go after the noise only for her to find herself in an empty field.

She began to walk further with no idea where she was going to. The place was sunny, and she could feel its burning gazes on her skin, and her throat felt dry. She wanted water as she felt suffocated.

She sighted a river and rushed to it, she washed her hands and began to gulp down the water. Suddenly, someone called her name and she turned and noticed Emily standing a few inches away from her.

"What are you doing?" Emily asked, but Samara raised her head and looked at her with an arched brow.

"What do you mean? Drinking some water, of course. Aren't you thirsty?" Samara questioned with concern, but Emily didn't say a word.

Samara noticed the weird aura between them, though they weren't friends, but she could still feel that something was off about Emily, and she stood up immediately.

"What do you want?" Samara asked her and took a step closer.

Emily didn't utter a word, and Samara knew this person wasn't really Emily. The Emily she knows has a mole so close to her nose, and there was nothing of such on this person's face. "Who are you? And.and why are you here?" Samara inquired with beady eyes and moved back.

"Seems like you figured it out, huh, smart girl." The strange person said and her face change into Samara's.

The girl who had her face began to move closer to Samara, but she continued to move backwards. "Don't you dare come closer!" Samara warned, and the girl released laughter.

There and then, Samara heard another scream coming from the woods, and she began to run while the strange girl ran after her. She ran quickly, jumping a wood and almost fell, but she maintained her balance.

The girl jumped and swiftly grabbed Samara by the leg, but she kicked her in the face and freed herself from her grip. Her heart racing as she continued to run into the woods with no sense of direction.

She felt someone coming after her and she knew it was that strange girl who had her face. What was going on? Why was she going after her, and how was she able to change into her? Samara whispered, while thinking deeply, and hide herself behind a tree.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and she flinched while falling on the ground. The girl held a sharp wood in her hand as she moved closer to Samara.

"This is just an illusion, Samara. Breath, Breath." She muttered to herself and closed her eyes. Then the footsteps approaching her stopped and everywhere went silent.

She took a deep breath and ruffled her black hair while relaxing her back on the ground. After some minutes of resting, she decided to find a way she could step out of the woods.

But she kept walking in circles, then she noticed a door at the other end. That could be a route out of the woods, right? She thought and began to walk closer.

Then she heard her name being called, and she paused on her track and looked back, but there was no one. Fear was beginning to wash through her, so she rushed towards the door.

She peeped and noticed how dark and shadowy it was, while whispering under breath, she stepped in, but the door went shut immediately.