Episode 8: The trial.

They had all assembled themselves in front of the hall which Bella said it was the biggest hall among the rest and no doubt, it was. Samara left her mouth slightly open as she roamed her eyes around the hall when they entered, it was gigantic and terrific.

Suddenly, Master Louis walked into the hall accompanied by Miss Owens and Daniel and the hall went quiet instantly, eyes fixed on them as everyone paid attention.

"Today is the day we all have been waiting for. Each of you have to go through a series of test to qualify for training." Master Louis declared, his face still covered with that mask of his.

"Have you seen his face ever since you came here?" Samara whispered slowly and Bella seems to confuse at first, but she nodded immediately when she understood what she was talking about.

"Master L? Uhm… I haven't seen his face, though I almost. Now is not the time to think about what he looks like, Samara. You should pay attention to what he is saying." Bella muttered and tilted her head.

Samara sighed and faced her head forward, Bella was already acting like a nagging elder sister, though it was frustrating to Samara already.

"I need you all to step outside and make a queue. Only the new student." Mr. Daniel voice out and all the students stood up and began to march outside.

"What are we going to do, huh? I'm totally nervous." Samara voiced out, but Bella patted her on the shoulder and stroke her hair.

"You're going to be fine, darling. Worry not." She whispered into her ears before moving to the other side to join the old student, Samara looked confused, but she marched forward and stood in line.

"Shall we?" Master Louis asked and stretched his hand towards an empty field and the first person on the queue began to walk behind him as the master led the way while the old students were behind.

Samara turned around and met Bella's eyes. She only smiled at her, and she felt relieved a little, then she accidentally flicked her eyes to the person next to Bella. It was Ben, the most annoying student she has ever seen, and she stared at a different direction immediately.

She almost rolled her eyes and kept her eyes on the road they were taking. After what seems like an hour to her, but it was just some minutes wasted on the walk, they got to a place that looks scary and quiet at the same time.

Samara has almost forgotten there was someone like Emily. She hasn't seen her ever since they were given rooms. "Where is this place? Are we even safe here?" Emily voiced out rudely, but no one replied to her.

She was always the one asking questions, but Samara felt it was advisable to keep some thought to themselves occasionally.

"You all must have been given the rules guiding the school, and you ought to live by those rules. One of the rules I don't tolerate is violence. Never should one of you use your powers on the other person just because you're angry. For now, the new students will have to undergo what we call the trial stage." Master Louis added strictly.

"What are we supposed to do?" A boy asked from the crowd, and Master Louis cleared his throat.

"You will be tested, and then we can really know what your powers are and how strong that person is." He proclaimed.

"You don't have to be afraid, the trial stage is as simple as anything. First we are going to start with the 'illusion trial' then we might continue tomorrow." He declared in his thick manly voice.

"Illusion?" Samara repeated the word and search around with her eyes flicking from one person to another. Then she met those insanely beautiful blue eyes, she stared at him for a while before taking her eyes away and staring at the ground.

"This is not the time to think about Jake, Samara." She groaned and ruffled her hair.

She squeezed herself in-between the crowd to find her way and moved closer to Bella. "What are we actually going to do? What is an illusion trial, for heaven's sake?" She asked while rushing her words.

"I have no idea, I'm just hearing it for the first time." Bella whispered in a low voice. "Whatever you're going to do, don't die." She added, and Samara popped her eyes.

"Just kidding. But survive the trial okay." Bella added with a smirk and pushed Samara to the queue.

How was she going to survive when she had no idea what they were about to do? Samara was having a bad feeling about it, and it all became worst when she sighted the nurse with a first aid kit.

Master Louis made them line up while the nurse brought out a packet of syringe, and her heart skipped. She was already feeling the sweat forming on her forehead and she bit her lips.

"Vlad right?" Master Louis called out and the boy stepped forward, and he got his shot of injection, which kind of looked painful. Next was Emily and she groans while being injected.

After each person was given a shot, Samara was the last to get hers. She dragged her legs towards the nurse and closed her eyes while she was being injected. It is like an electric shock going through her body and she felt dizzy instantly.

She managed to move to the side and tried to shake the dizziness off her head. The next thing she noticed was the eye shade given to each of them and a jacket that was so thick and soft at the same time.

She roamed her eyes around to see if she was the only one reacting to the injection in a dizzy way, but she could see Emily holding her head while Vlad leaned his body against a tree.

"Listen up! Every one of you has to run into the woods, and the first person to come out without being injured will not only be the next leader when Jake steps down, but will be given a price of honor." Master Louis yell.

"And again, I want to see how powerful you are. What is your power like and how well can you control it? Am I making a point here?" He added loudly, and they chorused with a yes.

Suddenly, Samara felt a different feeling radiating through her body. She was no longer dizzy as a new energy flowed through her, she felt strong and ready for anything.

"After the count of three. Let the race begin. One! Two! Three. And Go!" He proclaimed in a thunderstorm voice, and the only thing that could be heard at that moment was their feet hitting the ground as they race into the woods, which was dark and scary.