Episode 7: Hurting her pride.

Samara was just about to say a word when Bella beat her to it. "Did you say something?" She questioned and looked at her, but Samara shook her head and stared at the breakfast kept on the table for them.

"Seems like lonely people do have friends once in a while." They heard someone say, and Samara raised her head immediately, and she noticed Nita standing close to Bella.

"Are you going to get your shameless self out of here, or do we need to cause a scene?" Bella inquired furiously as she picked up her fork and played with it on the table.

Nita scoffed and placed her left hand on her waist. "Shameless? Someone has some guts now, huh? Where are your manners, Bella?" She questioned angrily.

There and then, Bella hit the table with her fist and stood up instantly while her jaw clenched. Now a few of the students were already glancing between them. "I think it is best if you leave, or you have yourself to blame for what happens next." She warned.

Nita wasn't intimidated at all as she moved closer to Bella. "I'm not afraid of you, Bella. So, you better watch out because-" Nita was about to warn her when she got interrupted.

"Everybody is watching already, what has come over you?" Jake spoke in a miffed tone as he stared at Nita, who rolled her eyes and walked away. He shook his head while watching her leave.

Samara felt her heart skipped and goosebumps were beginning to form on her body, just the sight of him in her presence makes a shiver run down her spine. What is she turning into, huh?

Jake held Bella by the hand and moved her away from the table, Samara couldn't hear what they were saying because they were only whispering, that wasn't her problem at all as she continued to focus her eyes on Jake.

She watched the way his hands move when he kept demonstrating, even the way his mouth moves. After some minutes, they return to the table, and it was then he turned to spare Samara a stare.

She smiled sheepishly at him and waved, but he acted differently, it was like that was the first time he was setting his eyes on her.

She felt hurt and embarrassed when he left. What did she do wrong? Didn't he recognize her? Or was he still angry about the little scene Bella and Nita we're about to create? She asked herself while sighing.

Most of the students were already leaving the hall when she was done eating. She carried her plate and Bella's untouched food to the kitchen, which was by the left turn outside the hall, and then she headed to her room.

But then she stopped on her track when she got to a passage that was so quiet, Samara roamed her eyes around while staring with popped eyes.

Jake attitude flashed into her head again, and she felt her heart twisting in pain. Why was he acting like he wasn't the same person who brought her clothes to the room? Was he always this way or was she not the kind of girl he wants to become friends with, huh?

"Argh!" She groaned and continue walking with no sense of direction. Then, she popped out through a brown wooden door that looks old. The first thing her eyes caught sight of was the tall gigantic tree with thick green leaves, standing in front of her.

Then she noticed something that looks like a gate at the far end after the tree, curiosity got the best of her, and she began to walk towards the place.

Her hands becoming sweaty as she marched closer while dragging her legs. Samara stopped for a second while glancing around if anyone was watching her, but there was no one around the place.

The she sighted a board with a big written word on it 'No entry' and she sighed before placing her hands on her waist while looking intensely at the gate and wondering what could be inside there.

"What are you doing here?" She heard someone questioned behind her, and she flinched and fell heavily on the ground while hurting her butt.

She raised her head to see a man in white standing close to her, and she fluttered her lashes to see if she was only hallucinating. "Are you new here?" He inquired with a straight face.

"Yes. Who are you?" She asked in a calm voice while hiding the fear she felt.

"I'm Daniel. And you? What were you doing here all alone?" He pressed further, and it was then reality dawn of her.

"He must be the other teacher. Christ!" Samara thought. He was young and cuter than the way she thought he would look.

"I'm Samara, I sighted the gate from a distance and became curious on what was inside the place." She replied and tried to stand on her feet while dusting her cloth.

"Louis shouldn't find you here. No one is supposed to be here." Daniel spoke and she looked at him perplexed. The urge to ask 'why' was on her lips, but she let it go.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea, I wouldn't come here again." Samara added and itched her nape. "I will be heading for my room now, nice meeting you sir." She voiced out in a cracked voice and left the spot.

At that moment, she caught sight of Jake walking towards her direction quickly, and she thought he was coming to see her or better still apologize for acting like he doesn't know her. Was she expecting too much already? She thought.

But he walk past her like he hasn't seen her for the second time in a day, and that hurt her pride a lot. What was she even thinking? Of course, he was the student's Leader and the most handsome she has seen. He will definitely choose who is he going to pay attention too.

"When did you arrive in Mr Daniel? I'm glad you won't be missing out on tomorrow's test and trial day." She vividly heard Jake say to the man as he moved closer to him.

She paused on her track and took a deep breath before deciding to walk away from that place.

Furthermore, she got to her room and entered without knocking, there she found Bella on her bed munching on an apple. "Where have you been?" Bella inquired and fixed her eyes on Samara.

"I was just taking a walk." She replied to her and moved over to the closet to get a shirt. She wanted something thicker than what she was wearing.

"Uhm! Okay. How are you preparing for tomorrow?" Bella pressed further, her voice was calm and gentle, like she wasn't the same person looking so enraged earlier.

Samara bit her bottom lip and stared at Bella in confusion. "What's really going to happen tomorrow? Everybody keeps talking about it, and I'm damn nervous already." Samara said sincerely and lowered her gaze.

"The trial day is a special day in the school. Every new student will be tested for a different purpose, but one advice I'm going to give to you is that, just try to stay strong." Bella added and released a yawn.

"The trial sounds scary to me." Samara confessed, but Bella didn't say a word as she stepped down from Samara's bed.

"Bella!" Samara called, and she turned to face her without answering. "Does Jake always ignores someone?" She asked in low cadence and looked down.

"No way, Samara. Don't tell me you're already falling for him." Bella yelled with wide eyes.

"If you're then I would advise you to watch your back." Bella added without going straight to the point and totally ignoring Samara's main question.

"What so you mean?" Samara asked with arched brow.

Bella took a deep breath before voicing out. "Nita likes Jake, though we all know that he has zero feelings for her. But the big problem is Nita. She abuses her power and cause pain to the ladies in love with him."

Samara felt her body go cold as she digested Bella's words. Was she willing to give deaf ears to Bella's warning and face Nita? What if she was not his type, huh? She whispered to herself.