Episode 6: Introduction

Samara kept roaming her eyes around while itching her nape."You seem uncomfortable today, sorry about what I said yesterday." She whispered and Samara released a light smile.

"Is nothing, actually, I was indeed asking too many questions which is also not my fault. I was just nervous." She replied and played with her finger, and Bella chuckled.

"I understand." Bella whispered and they walked into a hall. This one was painted in blue and has a lot of chairs and table being arranged neatly.

"Are we celebrating something?" Samara asked, though she tried to stay mute, but it wasn't going to work. She was always inquisitive about a lot of things.

"No, this is our dinning hall. There are seven halls in the school and each serve a different function." Bella muttered and held Samara's hand when she noticed how slow she was walking.

They got a table at the front which was at the left and sat there. Suddenly, Samara raised her head and sighted Jake talking to someone, she couldn't see the person face because he was obstructing her view.

But she was also admiring him from behind and watched the way his hands moved while he was explaining something only God knows to the person. Instantly, someone cleared his throat, and she turned to see who it was.

The hall was so full already, it was like everyone was present, and she sighed. The masked man marched forward, he was wearing a black shirt and black trousers. He had this unexplainable aura.

"For those of you that are new here, I know you must have been wondering what I look like or what my name is." He said, and someone laughed. "But anyway, I am going to introduce myself once I'm done introducing your leaders." He added in a rapt tone.

"Jake! Nita!" He called and Samara made an inversion to see who Nita was. She heard little about her from Bella and wondering to see if she really looked like what Bella said she was.

And there and then she sighted her chewing a gum while marching forward in her short skirt and green top. Were they allowed to wear something this short? Or was it because she was one of the leaders? Samara thought.

"And that's Nita, the girl who was once my best friend and roommate." Bella whispered and rolled her eyes.

Samara had nothing to say as she fixed her eyes at their direction, she was obviously staring at Jake, who's focused was on the masked man as they whisper to each other.

Everywhere became quiet and then footsteps could be heard as the priest and a young lady walked into the hall.

"Finally, your leaders are here, just one missing." He spoke and asked the priest to move forward a little bit as his hand did more of the talking.

"This is father Richard, he has been here right from the day we built this school. We won't have come this far without him. And Miss Owens, she gave up her dream of working at the city and stayed with us. Can I hear a round of applause?" He voiced out, and the students clapped apart from Bella.

"That lady is the school nurse. I heard she is the master's girlfriend." Bella mumbled and Samara gasped, now everything seems clear. No wonder she left the city to live here. Samara couldn't imagine herself leaving the city just to be in an isolated place.

"Then, we have the students Leaders. After every two years, we picked those who are worthy and make them leaders. Jake is the senior leader, while Nita is his assistant. Is that clear?" The masked man asked, and they chorused with a yes.

"One of our great teacher isn't here with us, hopefully he will be back by next week." He added and took a deep breath.

"Who is that? The one absent?" Samara inquired with curiosity.

"We call him Daniel, he is like a brother to the master and very kind." Bella said and blushed. Samara looked at her suspiciously before shrugging the thought off her head.

"I am the founder of this great school and will forever be. You can call me Louis, but preferably Master L or Master." He said in a strict tone.

"Master L seems fine to me. He hates it when you call him by his name. Don't fall in his trap." Bella warned.

"You ought to respect them, every one of you. And for the seniors in the school, I won't take it likely with those who only wants to bully the new students. I hope I made myself very clear." He spoke strictly before turning to look at Jake.

"The rules will be given to the new students while breakfast is being served. And we continue tomorrow before the test." The master declared before assigning Jake and Nita to do their job.

"A test? What test?" Samara asked anxiously while she fixed her eyes on Bella, who played dumb.

Samara was actually waiting for Bella to say a word, but she didn't. She traced the direction Bella was actually looking at, and she noticed her stares were on Nita, she held a straight face while glaring at her non-stop.