Episode 12: A day to remember.

At first, it seemed like a whisper and suddenly, Samara felt a light tap on her shoulder and the next thing was the loud telecom echoing in the room.

She groaned loudly, tossing on her bed while murmuring some words under her breath.

"For heaven's sake, it is still morning." She cried and tried to wake up from her deep slumber.

"You better get yourself out of that bed. It is after 8 already, and we are supposed to be in the hall by 8.30am." Bella voiced out and moved into the bathroom.

Samara slowly opened her eyes and glanced around, while trying to adjust her eyes to the light in the room.

She stood upright and stretched herself before marching into her bathroom while dragging her legs on the floor.

After what seems like forever, she took her bath and walked out of the bathroom just to find Bella all dressed and ready.

"Don't tell me you are going to keep up with this behavior. How do you expect your juniors to respect you when you talk to them about late coming, huh?" Bella inquired and shook her head.

"Don't be too judgemental, Bella. It is just for today. Besides, yesterday wasn't funny, and you know that." Samara tried to defend herself from her roommate, whose eyes were fixed on her like a glue.

"Whatever!" Bella chipped in.

Shortly, Samara was done dressing, and she followed Bella behind as they headed to the hall together.

They met Nita standing by the entrance of the hall, and Samara felt her heart hammering against her chest for no reason.

She flicked her eyes from Nita to Bella, when they got to the door, but they weren't even sparing each other a stare. The two acted like they were invisible as Bella moved into the hall.

Samara sighed and sat on the table close to the door of the hall since most of the table were occupied already.

"Hey, I have to leave you here. Seniors are supposed to sit at the front." Bella voiced out in a whisper and Samara arched her brows.

"Are you leaving me? Jeez! I would rather not sit alone." She said with a pout and blinked her lashes, but Bella ran a hand across her face.

"Talk later!" Bella stated plainly when she noticed Master Louis entering the hall with the rest of the teachers behind him.

She tried to stop Bella from leaving, but it was too late. And immediately the students noticed Master L, they went quiet.

Samara sighed and rested her back on the chair she was sitting as she fixed her gaze on the master. Then a thought drifted into her head and she began to search for Jake with her eyes while playing with her finger in a nervous way.

Where was he, huh? She hasn't set her eyes on him today. Was he busy with other stuff? She whispered to herself.

Suddenly, she heard his voice behind her, and she turned swiftly and sighted him by the door holding a book in his hand while talking to Nita.

She had no idea what he said that made Nita laugh, but she felt a twisted pain in her chest and she averted her eyes to a different direction.

Nita closed the door and they moved forward together. Samara wished she could tell Jake what she feels anytime she sees him, but she knew she wasn't that brave.

All the years she has spent in the orphanage, she had never for once, thought she could feel an unexplainable feeling for someone. But here she was, crushing on her senior.

Nita found a chair and sat on it, while Jake moved forward and gave the book he was holding to Master Louis. "Good morning everyone, I hope you had a pleasant night. In a nutshell, we have gathered to celebrate you all and specially honor one of our students who have impressed us. No need to explain further, but can we have Samara Jodie on the stage."? Master Louis added in a rapt tone and everyone turned to see who it was.

For a moment, she felt her heart racing heavily and the next minute, she was filled with joy.

Vlad started clapping as she reluctantly stood up and everyone joined in except for Nita and Ben.

Samara dragged her legs as they felt heavy, and all eyes were on her. She moved closer to the Dias and stood in front of it.

"I am so proud to call you my student, and I know that you will do your best to keep to the rules of the school. As you all know, the person who emerges as the winner of the trial will be crowned the future student leader." Master Louis proclaimed.

He moved over to her and placed a little crown on her head, and they began to cheer.

Master Louis congratulated her and the rest of the teachers. Then Jake decided to move closer to her, and he tapped her gently on the shoulder to get her attention.

Samara reversed and met those ocean blue eyes staring right at her, their gaze locked into each other's, and he cleared his throat a little to clear the atmosphere.

Samara felt embarrassed a bit. She was obviously drooling in front of him. "Congratulations, you were impressive yesterday, I'm eagerly awaiting training with you." Jake muttered in a calm but captivating tone, and it felt like music to her ears.

Heavens! What is wrong with her? She couldn't even say a word as she stared into his eyes, and then she slowly flicked her eyes to his round pink lips which look inviting.

"Miss Samara?" Master Louis called, jerking her back to reality and stopping her from embarrassing herself the more.

Have some pride, Samara-She warned herself.

"Yes, Master Louis!" She replied and turned to face him.

"We need to talk, but first of all, I need to show you the Shadow room." He said in a husky tone.

Shadow what? Why does it sound creepy, huh? Samara thought and felt her body go cold. She turned to see if Bella was close by, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Shall we?" Master Louis asked as he fixed his dark eyes on her, while his face was still unrevealed.

Samara swallowed the lump she felt in her throat and dauntlessly nodded her head. But deep down, she wasn't sure if she was ready to see the shadow room.