Episode 13: The sacred room.

Master Louis led the way and Samara followed him behind like a puppy. They walked through a passage she had no idea was existing.

The place was in total tranquility, and only the sound of their shoes clacking on the neat floor could be heard.

Behind her confident exterior, she was shaking like a leaf within her. She was yet to trust Master Louis because he acts mysteriously.

Though, Bella had said he was a nice man, and would never hurt his student. But what if there was more behind his pleasant act, huh? She thought deeply and followed him quietly.

They took a short route and the first thing Samara noticed was the dim light occupying the passage, she could hardly see a thing crystal clear.

She took in a deep breath and paused. Then, Master Louis moved over to a door and inserted a key into it.

After some seconds, the door made a creaky sound and went wide open. Master Louis turned to look at Samara who was standing at the other end, while inches were separating them.

"Why are you just standing? The door won't bite, so move forward." He spoke softly yet in an authoritative tone.

She nodded and moved her heavy legs towards the door while her heart raced heavily.

Master Louis went in while leaving her behind, and she stopped on her track for a moment and glanced around. Suddenly, she tried to be bold and Samara walked into the room.

Immediately she entered, her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness in the room. Why was it so murky, for heaven's sake?

"Sorry, I know it's dark, but that's the best way to keep the room. Remember! It is called the shadow room." He added and moved over to a little window and opened it.

The ray of sunshine shone through the window, but it wasn't enough to make the room radiant.

She flicked her eyes from the window to Master Louis, whose hands were on a table as he tried to light up a candle.

Samara was waiting patiently to see how he was going to light the candle without any matches in sight and to her greatest surprise, she noticed him whispering some words under his breath and the whole place was filled with flickering candles.

She gasped and took a step back. Who was this man? She questioned curiously.

"You're the third student to step in here. Reverend Richard and I call it the Shadow or Sacred room." Master Louis uttered and turned to look at Samara-whose mouth was slightly open.

She was still trying to process how he lit the candles with just a few whispers.

"Ho.w…how did you do that?" Samara tilted her head and inquired in a cracked voice while staring back at him.

"What's that? What do you mean?" Master Louis asked with an arched brow.

"The candles. How did you light them up so easily?" She questioned and he chuckled.

"I have the power to control and make fire. One of my thousands gifts. I am not an ordinary person, Samara." He whispered, and she just rested her intense gaze on him like a zombie.

"Let's leave that topic for another day. Now, moving to the main reason I showed you this particular room. Come closer." He gestured to her to move forward, and she did.

Then Samara noticed a massive book in a place that looked like an Altar, surrounded by burning candles, and it was in the middle.

She stared keenly at the book which had a thick brown cover and tried to read what was on it, but she was perplexed. Its writing was in a different language entirely.

Master Louis noticed her stares on the book, and he cleared his throat a little. "You can't read that. And you aren't supposed to touch it, this book contains power, far more powerful than you would ever imagine." He whispered and touched the cover of the book, and the pages began to flip by itself when he took his hands off.

Samara blinked her lashes to see if she was just imagining things. So many mysterious things in one day.

"Wow! What is the book called? I have never seen something like this." Samara stated sincerely.

"It is called 'The book of life' that is what is being written on the cover but in a foreign language. And only the first page contains written words and that's the rules in keeping the book safe, the rest of the pages are blank." He muttered and folded his hand.

"Blank? Why is it blank? How is one supposed to read when it is blank?" Samara inquired curiously.

"When you have mastered your powers so well, and you are strong and undefeated, then you can read the book with your mind." Master Louis said, and Samara looked at him confused.

"That sounds like a lot of work, honestly. So, no one is allowed to touch the book except you?" Samara asked and played with her finger.

"Yes! I kept this book here for a reason. Firstly, the school was built on an old graveyard and to prevent evil spirits from haunting the school. The book was placed here." He mumbled, and Samara felt fear washing through her.

Did he just say the school was built on an old graveyard? Heavens!

What more can she expect from a school build in an isolated area, huh? She whispered to herself.

"Are you listening?" Master Louis asked and scanned her face.

"Yes!" She replied plainly and swallowed the lump she felt in her throat.

"And this book should never be burnt or torn to pieces. I can't tell you what will happen after that." He voiced out and Samara felt a shiver run down her spine and she tried to maintain her heart from racing.

Was she ready to hear what will happen if the book is being burnt or torn to pieces? Hell no!

She would be glad if he kept the Information to himself. She is not ready to receive another shocking Information.

"So…so-" Samara tried to speak, but her voice was shaking and, at the same time, it was coming out like a whisper.

"So, I will assign you as the new keeper of the room. You have to clean the room every day and make sure no one, I mean no one, uses the key. If you can't tidy up the place, don't give the key to anyone. Jake was the person In charge of keeping the room clean, but since we have a new junior and future student leader, I will handle everything to you." Master Louis said with a smile that Samara didn't notice because of his mask.

"Me? Am I worthy to keep the room clean? Am I worthy to hold the key to the sacred room?" She questioned in a calm voice and he nodded.

"Of course. Only those who emerge as winners are provided the opportunity." Master Louis said.

And Samara nodded, she was completely blank on what to say next and didn't know whether she should rejoice or not.

Master Louis pulled out the key and gave it to her, and she reluctantly took hold of it. "Keep it safe, and from now on, you will enjoy special treatment from the officials." He added and she let out a smile.

Heavens. She was holding the key to the sacred room. Samara averted her eyes from master Louis to the book on the altar. This is it, she was born to rule, and she will do her best, but she also hopes that things will turn out fine, Samara prayed she won't regret that day.