Episode 14: Being brave.

Master Louis had actually left the room before Samara, he asked her to check every corner and make sure she satisfied her eyes before leaving the room.

Though she was a bit scared of staying inside, she took in some courage and walked back and forth, admiring the place.

The room was indeed quiet, you can't hear a single sound from outside, like the walls were soundproof.

She heard her stomach rumble, and she decided to leave. She could continue tomorrow. Furthermore, she might get to find out more interesting things about the room and the book of Life kept on the altar.

Likewise, she glanced around one more time, while biting in her bottom lip, before walking towards the door.

Samara locked it and threw the keys into her pocket while marching towards the passage she saw.

She turned to peep behind her back at every little opportunity she got. Why was she so scared, huh? She hasn't really trusted that place, especially when she hears creepy stories each day.

Suddenly, she began to hear a little noise along the passage before she got closer. While arching her brows, she moved swiftly to see what it was.

And then, she sighted Vlad on the floor with two other massive guys around him. They were looking intimidating and fierce.

Samara paused for a moment and tried to see who they were before she got closer, and she recognized one of them immediately. "Ben!" She whispered and shook her head.

"That asshole!" She cursed under her breath, what was he doing at the passage with Vlad? The position they were in doesn't look like they were having a nice conversation.

Another voice was telling her to mind her business and take a different route, but she couldn't move either. She stared at the guys to see what was going to happen next.

There and then, the other person kicked Vlad in his stomach, and he let out a loud groan. While holding on to his stomach firmly and coughing.

That was wickedness, who do these guys think they are, huh? At that moment, Ben bent close to Vlad and grabbed him by his collar, Samara yelled.

"You better stop what you are doing right now. This is bullying." She added angrily and began to march towards them.

She let go of the idea that she was just a newbie, and she was indeed talking to her seniors. But also, she can't let go of the fact that someday she would be the student leader, since she already won the spot.

Ben let go of Vlad and turned to look towards her direction while scoffing in a loud tone. "You better mind your business, Miss future Leader." He added sarcastically, while emphasizing on the last words.

"I won't, you better let him go. He isn't a punching bag. Just because you are way older than him doesn't give you the right to bully him. We are all students." Samara chipped in with annoyance, and Ben ran a hand on his face in frustration.

He began to move towards Samara, who was just an inch away from them. "You should mind your business and leave, while I'm still asking politely." Ben bellowed and glared at her.

The look on his face was frightening, but she won't let that get to her. She flicked her eyes to Vlad, and he was looking vulnerable like a lost puppy, and she felt a twisted pain in her chest.

"I won't leave Mr Ben, so you better let this boy go. Or I will have to report-" Samara was still talking when he interrupted with a dry and mischievous laughter.

"Report me to whom, huh? Master Louis? You better not try that if you value your life." He threatened and took a step forward.

She also took a step forward, while staring into his angry eyes, and Ben knew at that moment that Samara wasn't going to turn a blind eye.

He moved back and shook his head. "Let's just go, we will definitely see them around." The other guy said with a smirk displaying at the corners of his face.

"So many guts for someone who just stepped into the school a few days ago. I will definitely see you around, Miss Samara." Ben whispered in gritted teeth, and they began to leave.

Samara ruffled her smooth black hair and released a breath she had no idea she was holding for that long. Then she averted her eyes to Vlad and moved to him.

"Hey, are you okay? How did you end up in the hands of these guys, huh?" She questioned while trying to raise him up from the floor.

"I didn't do anything to them. He just met me along the passage and asked me to take a different route, but I refused." Vlad whispered in a low voice and lowered his head.

"Those jerks! Do they think the world revolves around them?" Samara spat and Vlad took hold of her left hand.

"Thank you so much for defending me. I owe you." He spoke and Samara smiled.

"Just try to stay away from them, but that shouldn't make you weak, okay. No one is allowed to be treated like trash." She added and he nodded while smiling.

"Why are you smiling? Did I say something funny?" She questioned with curiosity.

"No! No. Not at all, you certainly sounded like a student leader." Vlad muttered and she chuckled.

"Okay, let's move." Samara added, and suddenly, she heard her name being called, and she turned to see Bella popping out through a wall.

"Gosh! Bella, that's a cool gift, but you should stop doing that, especially when I'm alone because you are going to scare the shit out of me." Samara warned when she sighted Bella coming out of the wall.

"I hear you Miss, I have been looking for you," she stated and moved closer to meet them.

"What's with your face? Did you fall?" Bella asked Vlad when she noticed the little cut on his lips.

"It is nothing." He replied plainly, not willing to continue the conversation, and she got the hint. Bella turned and rested her gaze on Samara.

"Breakfast is ready, we need to eat." She added and licked her bottom lip.

The three of them left the passage while heading for the dinning hall, when they got there; everyone was already seated.

As usual, Samara roamed her eyes around the hall, searching for Jake, but he was nowhere to be found.

With disappointment on her face, she sat on the chair and turned to face Bella.

"I was taken to the shadow room." Samara whispered and Bella widened her eyes.

"Really? I feel so jealous right now. Jake said there is a certain book inside that can't be read with the normal eyes. Is that true?" Bella asked curiously, while getting excited and interested.

Samara nodded and she gasped. "You're so lucky, I have been in this school for two years and I haven't seen what it looks like." She added with a pout and played with the tip of her hair.

Samara tried to process the words. "You're so lucky" is she really lucky? Because occasionally she feels like being at the 'school of skull and magic' was something she didn't want and will never want.

But what if all this was meant to change her life for the better? She sighed and glanced around one more time, only for her eyes to rest on Ben, who was glaring at her from behind with a deadly look.