Episode 15: One-sided crush.

Samara averted her eyes to Bella, who was staring down at the food in front of her. "Porridge again, I don't really like it." She said with a pout.

"You have to manage it for now, you can get some fruits if you like. I can talk to Master Louis," Samara showed concern and placed her hand on Bella's.

"Someone is acting like a caring leader. Wow…" Bella exclaimed and Samara hit her hand slightly.

"Hey, Bella. I wanted to ask you something, though I got some part of the information earlier from Master L. Why is this school named 'Skulls and Magic?' Do you know why?" She questioned, while her eager eyes stared keenly at Bella.

"Well… I think I do. Nita once told me when we were good friends." Bella added and scoffed at her last words.

"I want to know, I have been curious about it since day one." Samara whispered in a sincere and nervous tone.

"Uhm…" Bella itched her nape. "You know I told you that the government won't let Master Louis build his school in the city, right? So, he went far away from the city to this place, which was an old graveyard." Bella voiced out.

"Wow! The school was really built on an old graveyard? And the 'book of life' was meant to prevent evil inside the school, right?" Samara questioned.

"Yeah, it is. You knew?" Bella asked with an arched brow and placed her hand on her chin.

"Yes. Master Louis told me earlier." Samara mumbled and sighed.

"Okay. So, when the school was built, Master Louis found skulls all over the land while digging, and he buried it in a different place. I guess that's why he named the school that way." Bella added and shrugged.

"I see, but sometimes shivers run down my spine whenever I think of the name. He could have chosen something else, don't you think?" Samara inquired with a woebegone expression.

"Yeah, but it is too late now. The school has been surviving fine for six years with the name." Bella spoke and relaxed back on her chair.

Then, the sound of footsteps walking into the hall jerked Samara from what she was about to say. She turned and noticed Master L, the priest and Jake moving into the hall.

She stared at that particular guy who makes butterflies grow in her belly. He was just handsome, and dreamy.

Then she noticed the serious mood between them, and Master Louis placed his hand on Jake's shoulder and whispered some words into his ears.

This was the moment Samara wished Vlad was sitting close to her. He might as well tell her what they were talking about.

Suddenly, she sighted Jake coming towards her direction and her heartbeat increased. "Bella!" She called, barely above a whisper.

"Is..is Jake coming towards us?" She stammered in an uncleared voice and Bella turned to look at where her eyes were staring at.

Samara bit her bottom lip out of nervousness while Jake kept coming closer. He got to her seat, and she couldn't hide the fact that she was surprised. Lips slightly parted and widened eyes was how she was staring at him.

"Do you have some minutes to spare? Can we talk?" Jake asked calmly, but in a tone that could melt anyone.

"Huh? Of course, of course." Samara repeated nervously and turned to look at Bella, who was just glancing between them.

Most of the students were already staring in their direction, but that wasn't what Samara was concerned about. So many thoughts began to flow into her head.

Why would he want to talk to her? Is he liking her? Does he want to ask her out? Oh, heavens! She wasn't wearing a nice dress-she mumbled under her breath and gave herself a brief look.

She puffed air through her mouth while she followed him outside. They stood by the door, and he turned to face her while her heart kept racing in excitement.

"Just say it, please." She whispered to herself.

"I…" He started, but moved closer and tucked some part of her hair. "Okay, we need to talk about the sacred room. Master Louis informed me that, you will be in charge from now on." Jake uttered and plunged his hand into his trouser's pocket.

A feeling of disappointment washed through her, and she lowered her gaze to the floor.

"Yes, he gave me the key to the room and told me all I needed to know about the sacred place." She replied in a muffled breath, and he nodded.

"That makes it easy for me. Well, I am going to bring the rules and written doctrine to you later. Ordered by Master Louis, and you have to keep it safe while studying it." He informed her, and she couldn't even reply as she stared at the way his lips moved.

"Are you listening?" He questioned and scanned her face.

"Of course. I heard you crystal clear." She added and replaced her glum face with a smile.

"Okay, if that is the case; then we have nothing else to talk about." Jake said with a smile.

"Nothing?" Samara whispered, not knowing the word was going to spill out of her mouth.

"Is something wrong? Do you want to talk about something else?" Jake asked curiously and she shook her head.

"Nope! We are good. Thanks," she whispered and walked past him into the hall.

He shrugged his shoulders and followed her inside, then he walked straight to where Master Louis was seated.

"What did you guys talk about and why is your face like that?" Bella rushed her words and fixed her intense gaze on Samara.

"Just about work and the sacred room." She replied with disappointment washing through her voice.

Before Bella could say a word, someone sat on the next chair close to them, and Bella flicked her eyes to the person.

"Screw me!" She cursed under her breath. "Why are you here, Nita?" She questioned with annoyance, and it was at that moment Samara noticed her.

How did she get there without them knowing? Oh, heavens! She was thinking too much lately.

"I'm not here for you, Bella. I just want to say hello to your new roommate. She is the future student leader, remember?" Nita said with a sided smile, but none of them was convinced.

Nita flicked her eyes to Samara and took hold of her hand, while Bella scoffed loudly.

"You can come over to my room if you ever feel bored. Okay? And congratulations once again." Nita added with a smile and Samara nodded, though she felt uncomfortable.

Bella tried to control the anger radiating through, deep down she knew Nita had another motive for being there.

Just then, Nita stood up and began to leave, while Bella watched her.

"You should be careful around her. She doesn't mean any of those words she said to you." Bella warned in a strict tone.

"I know. Why would she suddenly try to be nice? There must be something behind it." Samara whispered and Bella agreed.

"How dare she? So many guts." Bella groaned and tapped her legs on the floor. "Wait! I think she sees you as a threat, I noticed her intense gaze on you while you were heading outside with Jake. That's it!" Bella yelled.

"It makes sense now." Samara mumbled. But why would Nita think she is a threat, huh? When it was obviously showing that Jake wasn't into her.