Solo Raid: Tomb of The Fallen Soldiers (1)

"Alright… let's actually clear this dungeon," I muttered.

It took me quite a while to find it, but eventually, I managed to rip the location of the hall to the boss room out of my expansive memory.

Ting… ting… ting…

As I walked along the stone wall, continuously tapping every few inches or so with one of my knives, I kept an ear out for any hollow sound that would echo through the wall and penetrate into the cavern I was in.

Ting… ting… ting…

There was also the occasional skeleton that I had to take care of, but not an entire army like the time before.

Ting… Ting… Thunk

And just like that, with a bit of force between my dagger's swing, the blade sunk into the stone wall, causing it to crumble into hundreds of individual pieces.

From behind the wall, a wide hallway revealed itself to me in all of its glory, yet the cold blue flames eerily illuminated the entire stone passage.

"*sigh*... I knew it wouldn't be so easy," I let out a little sigh as I saw the various traps lining the stone walls, ceiling, and floor.

It wasn't obvious to the normal eye, but I was already experienced at such a task so identifying these things was pretty easy.

Though… with my stats, avoiding these traps wouldn't be as much of a breeze as I had hoped it to be.

Just to make sure my eyes were still working, I took a small pebble from within the cavern and tossed it through the expansive hallway.

Tunk… Tunk… tunk tunk tunk… SHING

All of a sudden, large and narrow blades emerged from the floor, threatening to stab the soles of my feet… well if I had actually walked into it.

"Hmmm… smells like poison as well,"

As I walked over to the protruding spikes, a gust of wind whistled past me, and I ducked downwards, letting the arrows with tips drenched in poison pass over me.

My eyes shifted down from them, and onto the pressure plate I hadn't even realized was there in the first place.

I let out a little sigh once again before jumping up and warming up my body as I needed to commit my entire body and consciousness to this next task.

One slip-up and I would die…, and I would've tossed a rock into all of them if I could, but obviously, there were some other traps meant to bypass that little cheat.

"Plus… it would just be a waste of time,"

[Haste] [Empower]

My body grew lighter, yet my muscles felt much denser and stronger as they contracted against the ground, ready to burst out.

The swirling amalgamation of aura slowly wrapped around my feet and hands, and in an instant…


I dashed through the dimly illuminated hallway, ducking through the rain of spears once again drenched in an insane amount of poison.

The smell of them made my nostrils tingle, and their horrendous sour texture that roughened up my sinuses continued to press forward even further into my skull.


As I let out a long and dry breath, I jumped up and landed on the ceiling like a spider before dashing downwards to dodge the obvious pressure plate.

But, it seemed that was a trap for that trap as a rain of spears came from the ceiling once again as soon as I landed on the well-hidden pressure plate.


Though, all I had to do was just dash past them.

Traps continued to assault me from every direction the further I went into this hallway, but upon arriving at the very end, I was met by a singular skeleton.


My knives tore through the clueless monster, leaving it to crumble into pieces as I walked past it, opening the solid stone door at the very end of this hallway.

It wasn't as heavy as I had expected, but it definitely surprised me when I saw it slowly slide into the ground once I had entered the new room.


[The Boss of the dungeon greets you]


As I looked up at the towering skeleton with massive blue flames serving as its eyeballs, I couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"The mage was way more powerful than you,"

[You've been backed into a corner]

[Stolen Souls shall be sacrificed as mana]

A string of dinging sounds echoed through my head and pounded the inside of my skull, an alert that my mana was quickly rising.

It wasn't anywhere near as much as last time, but from absorbing the souls of the skeletons I passed just a few minutes before, I was able to increase my mana capacity by quite a lot.

[HP: 23/25 MP: 95/25 SP: --/--]

Inside the boss room, I was currently in, a blue flame flickered at the very top of the ceiling, sending small embers down into the dungeon.

As I dashed towards the massive skeleton, which suddenly grew another pair of boney arms right beneath its previous ones, it reached its top arms into that blue flame lining the ceiling.


My daggers easily cut through the boss' tough skeletal system, and before the thing could power up, its hands fell to the ground, crashing and then instantly crumbling into dust.

It was an amusing sight seeing such a powerful boss get almost completely countered by stopping its initial moves… though I was aware it wasn't going to try and stop anytime soon.


Just as I tucked my body to dodge a flying hook that meant to shatter every bone in my body, I used my surplus of mana to create a few daggers of darkness that I shot at the flames sitting within the skeleton's empty eye sockets.

They tore through the air, even creating a whistling sound as if they were arrows that burst through the surrounding wind.
