Solo Raid: Tomb of The Fallen Soldiers (2)


My shadowy daggers penetrated the flames, sinking into them as if they were actually tangible flesh that began to bleed blue liquid.

As soon as I landed back on the ground, I took in a deep breath and brought my daggers to my face, creating an X-shaped slash infused with the power of my [Darkness Manipulation].

There were so many shadows around us that I could most likely overwhelm the skeleton in front of me, but I was more worried about something else.

"Geez… Your defense is still as high as I remember," I muttered as my X-shaped blast of darkness dug into the skeleton's rib cage yet didn't even leave a single scratch on it.

I knew it had some resistance to magic, but I guess since my magic stat was so low, it barely did any extra bonus damage.


The skeleton roared once again, shaking the entire room and causing the blue flames that stuck to the ceiling to suddenly drop down.

And to my surprise, it took the shape of slime and hopped over to its original wielder, dodging my flurry of attacks infused with darkness.

Its slimy and flexible body was nimble enough to dodge in between slight openings that had been spread even further by my lack of stats.

I knew I needed to level up more, but I should've been able to kill this thing.

My skill and experience were more than enough… on top of that, my intuition told me that even as the skeleton gained its full power for its first phase, I could still beat it.

"Alright… let's just batter the weak spot," I muttered before slowly rising up and crinkling my eyes as a blast of flames exploded from the massive skeleton.

The shrapnel of rocks nearly tore my body apart, and the flames even began to melt my armor, making me click my tongue once again.

"Asshole," I snarled before taking a few steps back and watching the slime of blue flames wrap around the skeleton and fill in the gaps between its massive and sturdy bones.

The slimy elasticity was soon gone and it took a more soldiifed and hard form, like it was a piece of paper turned cardboard.


It was a creature straight from hell as its roar unleahsed a draconic breath that began to melt the cieling, causing magma to drip down onto the ground… and this was just the first form.

"So much intimidation for such a weak monster,"

As I noticed the flames within its body slowly settle down, I ran towards it, flinging another fan of shadowy daggers straight into the eyes of this monster.

The flames were pierced, but the thing didn't even flinch as a hammer of blue flames was gathered in one hand, a sword of blue flames in the other, and a pair of daggers held tightly within the bottom pair of arms.

Tup tup tup tup tup tup

My swift and heavy footsteps ebgan to pick up the pace as I circled around the beast that continuously swung its weapon mindlessly, attemping to crush, slice, or dice me into pieces.

I will say, that hammer and that sword was quite intimidating since they were both literally quadruple my size in both width and height.


I sent another fan of shadowy daggers straight at the skeleton, but this time it swung its hammer in front of it to absolutely crush the daggers into shards.

But, as the hammer across its face, it was blinded from my moves as I jumped onto the arm carrying the sword and ran up its shoulder.

By the time it realized the pest had already crawled all the way up to its neck, my daggers sunk into the back of its skull, suddenly extending by creating a tendril of darkness that had been sharpened on the very end.


Another deathly roar erupted from the hellish monster, but as I saw its health points quickly drop below half, I jumped off its nape and backed away to the very edges of this boss room.


[The Boss has entered its Second Stage]

[The Boss has activated its Unique Skill: Armor of Hell]


[Flaming Skeleton General - Boss]

[Health Remaining: 4291/10000]


Suddenly, the giant blue flames burning brightly within the skeleton expanded outward and fully took on a solidified form with a slight ethereal glow.

A set of heavy armor made from the flames wrapped around the skeleton, only stopping once the helmet that protruded with two demonic horns seemingly smiled.


I felt the air pressure around me knock me back and slam me into the wall just behind me, but as my flesh slowly regenerated once again, I saw the being of hell charge toward me.


If I could've I would've been sweating bullets as I just barely managed to dodge the sword that had just passed over my head.

Not only was the monster extremely strong and big, but its speed had been doubled by the armor of hell, making it a formidable foe for any strong party or raid team.

The small tinges of flames that still stretched towards me even after the weapon missed threatened to pierce my skull, but after deflecting them with my daggers that I had wrapped in shadows, they backed away like cowardly puppies hiding behind their rabid parent.

"Urk… Shit," I grunted as I attempted to run forward, but the sword caught up to me and sliced off my left leg, leaving the rest of my body intact… but I was now utterly handicapped.

Soon, the two daggers sliced toward me in an X-shaped motion, slicing straight through my armor and cutting through my flesh as if it was butter.


But, it stopped upon colliding with my skeleton and actually cracked under the pressure of the momentous swings.

My flesh melted away, leaving me in my skeletal form once again, and as the daggers were deflected outward by a blast of shadows, I looked towards my cut limb.

The flesh had disappeared, leaving only the bones in my skeleton to be scattered across the floor.
