Solo Raid: Tomb of The Fallen Soldiers (Final)


The scattered pieces of my leg suddenly flew back to my skeletal body and attached themselves to my hip.

Flexing it up and down a bit, I realized it had returned to normal, so I turned back to the massive foe in front of me, who glared down with glowing blue flames.

"I really don't like the way you fight… It reminds me of somebody I used to know," I muttered before the skeleton made yet another move, slicing one of its swords directly at the center of my skull.

Obviously, it was hoping to split me in half, but as I set out my daggers and redirected the sword to the side, I dashed inward again.

[Conjure of Darkness]

All of a sudden, the shadows around me rapidly expanded, covering even the illumination of the giant glowing skeleton.

The shadows crawled up the skeleton, but they only served as a restriction since the boss was easily able to rip through them with its massive body and absolutely overwhelming strength.

But it didn't even realize I had closed the distance between us, and I reached my hand toward the center of its armor.

My bones began to blacken the closer they got to the armor, and to my surprise, they even melted as soon as I touched it, ruining my plan completely.


Clicking my tongue, I jumped backward from my enemy, dodging its flurry of attacks that couldn't even graze my strangely nimble bones.

I tried to brainstorm a plan as I circled around the boss once again, and even though he wasn't getting used to my attacks, it felt like I was going to lose if I dragged this on any longer.

My intuition slowly started to betray me the further this fight progressed… so I got my shit together and focused up.

"My last resort… please do something… [Soul Screaming Flames],"

What I thought were the exact same flames that all of these skeletons had been wielding turned out to be something entirely different.

My nonexistence ears seemingly bled as the cries of a thousand souls unleashed their built-up voices from within the white flames burning brightly in the center of my palm.

I had one arm left as the other had melted, but it felt like this was all I needed.

"What… the hell…."

The giant skeleton was as hesitant to move as I was since the screaming souls that continuously tried to escape from the white flames were absolutely terrifying.

But, to emotionless beings like us, it was just shocking. Complete and utter shock at the flames that looked as if they had been ripped out of the pits of hell.

Slowly, they spread from my hand and to my arm, eventually filling in the gaps to my skeleton where flesh would normally be.


I dodged the skeleton's swinging hammer and immediately sidestepped the vertical slash performed by its sword.

It cut through the floor below me, and as it was stuck for just a moment, I used this chance to run up the armor, placing footholds of shadows beneath my feet so I wouldn't be melted instantly.


The skeleton roared as I ran up its glowing set of armor, my eyes as cold as a wintry night with the white flames spreading across my body, burning brighter than ever.

"Ah… I feel it," I muttered as a strange sensation rushed through my bones, and my arm swung upwards, creating a blade of white flames that clashed with the flaming blue armor.

I saw a visible crack travel throughout the chest plate, so I immediately targeted my low mana into one final attack.

I jumped up, dodging the swatting palm that had been freed up by the skeleton, dropping both of its daggers.

The hammer and sword crossed towards me in the air, and as they collided with my bones, I swung my arm upwards once again.


I felt my bones shatter but also, at the same time, I heard the skeleton drop to the floor, its flames leaking from its cracked skull like a trail of blood.

"Huff… huff… huff…."

As my bones slowly gathered back together, I soon came to the realization that I was missing many parts of it but given just a few minutes, they all regenerated with an excruciating amount of pain.

"Shit… Ugh… Finally," I muttered as the ringing of XP resounded through my ears and the filling sensation of power making me grow stronger felt quite nice.


[You have killed the Dungeon Boss: Flaming Skeleton General]

[Member Count When Entering: 1]

[Members Remaining: 1]

[Prize is being calculated…]



[1. [Dangerous Adventurer]

[2. [Skeleton Slaughterer]

[3. [One who Overcame the Greatest Adversary]


[Prize has absorbed your achievements]

[Proceed to the Treasure Room for your Prize]


I looked up and saw the glowing box that had opened up in the wall of the dungeon, and seeing how there was no exit, I knew the teleportation would commence any minute now.

So, I quickly ran into the room and flicked open the wooden chest, ignoring the piles of fake gold that were meant to just accentuate the grandness of this prize.



[1. [Monster Cutting Daggers]

[2. [Flaming Skeleton Core]

[3. [Bone Shards (x99)]

[4. [Large Potions (x10)]

[5. [Jar of Flaming Bones]

[6. [Skill Book - *@!&]


[Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error] [Error]

Suddenly, a string of error messages appeared in front of me, and seeing how the skill book had been messed up, I knew it had to be related to that.

Even the physical book was distorting and out of reality, only to stop its glitching upon me touching it.

[Skill book has been altered]

Finally, it settled down, and I grabbed the most important prizes since I didn't have my equipment anymore… since it all melted away!

"Goddammit!" I cried out before being teleported out of the dungeon… only to be met by a familiar yet aggravating face once again.