Raid: Den of Dire Wolves (3)

"Then I also wish you good luck on your future endeavors, Miss Reaper," The man smiled before walking back to his target of protection.

After a few hours, we began traversing through the forest yet again, but we soon came to find ourselves in a pit of silence.

There were absolutely no signs of life besides us, so the leader immediately ordered us to get into a circular position.

(Faye POV)

All of them were pretty good at their jobs and even knew how to cover the gaps in a circular formation, but with the ambushing of each wolf, some people will probably slip up from the fear and tense atmosphere.

Suddenly, from behind the tree, a layer of fog began to spread and spread and spread until it had covered the very base of the forest around us.

And from that base of fog, hundreds of blood-red eyes revealed themselves, making everybody tense up.

My eyes quickly shifted to Helu to see if she was scared, but to be honest, she seemed calmer than me… way too calm, in fact… it was almost as if she had died standing up.

"Helu?" I whispered, but she didn't even give me a glance as she activated [Stealth] with all of the other assassins and slipped out of the group.

Under the guidance of the fog, they were able to slip behind the front lines that immediately began to get assaulted by waves of wolves.

They tirelessly bashed against the tanks who felt the true force behind the monsters that had activated their unique skill: [Predatory Instinct].

It caused the pack to basically synchronize up, not only raising their hostility but also the threatening power behind each attack.

I decided to help some of the raid members out since they were so tense that it was almost pitiful.

"Everyone calm down. I have your back," I muttered before activating all of the buffs skills that I could muster.

Everybody felt their strength and speed nearly double, but since their stats were so pitifully weak, it barely made a difference.

Only the two subordinates I brought along, and the leader felt the true power and help of my skills.

But, both of my subordinates were holding back their true power since they were probably around the high B-rank while the C-rank leader was too busy directing everybody and making sure they would survive.

"Where'd she go… oh, there you are," I smiled, turning to a shadowy figure that streaked across the backlines and began to tear her way to the front.

While all of the other assassins were barely holding their own, distracting the backlines of the wolves, she was wiping out tons of the threatening enemies.

Her movements were as calm as a ripple in a small puddle, and her expressionless face almost made my heart ache.

She was so bright and cheery before… yet… it seems I ruined that…

"Miss, the fight is almost over. Get ready to heal the injured," My swordsman subordinate, whose name I already forgot, spoke up.

"O-Oh, yeah… my bad," I stuttered before watching the rest of the wolves get slaughtered, and seeing how nobody had died or was severely injured, I didn't have to rush myself.

But, the first person I did visit was Helu, who slowly walked over the tens of corpses covering the ground with a layer of blood, drowning out the peaceful smell of the forest.

"U-uh… c-can I see your arm?" I asked since I knew it was injured as she hid it behind her back, but the awkward air from our previous interactions still continued to persist.

She really hates me…

As I looked down at my feet, Helu in front of me sighed before slowly taking out her arm the wound was so large and wide that my pupils dilated into dots.

"W-What the hell? You should've called me over sooner," I stuttered before sitting her down on one of the logs and calling somebody over to bring a towel.

As soon as somebody brought me a towel, I placed it on the massive wound stretching across the entirety of her forearm and offered the spare one for Helu to use as something bite down on.

"No need," She muttered, coldly unphased by the wound that would have people screaming and crying with agony.

"Are you sure?"

"Just heal me…." She ordered, and as I swallowed a large drop of saliva, I conjured a few golden lights in the center of my palms.

But, it seemed that I was too distracted to remember that we were in a dungeon and anything could happen, so when I saw a black wolf with white streaks and a massive sword-like horn protruding from its forehead charging toward Helu, I only reacted with instinct.

My body moved on its own, and I pulled Helu out of the way, causing the sword to go straight through my chest.

"It's a unique monster! QUICKLY SLAUGHTER IT!" The leader cried out while the remaining two healers ran toward me.

The monster was littered with arrows and soon dropped to the ground dead, but as Helu placed me on her lap, seemingly worried for me, she pulled her head downward.

A-A kiss?

I quickly closed my eyes and slightly tightened my lips, only for nothing to happen.

But when I did open my eyes, I saw a horrifying smile greet me, as if the one who had just planned that attack was excited to see me injured.

"It's a shame it wasn't your heart," She muttered, and my pupils dilated upon seeing her finger twirl with a small dagger that grazed against my back.

But, I was too numb from the healers quickly trying to heal my stomach… but… maybe I deserved this.

"I'm sorry" were the only words that could slip out of my mouth.

But suddenly, Helu was stopped by my archer subordinate, who quickly grabbed her hand and ripped the dagger away.

"Seriously?" Helu muttered as my archer slowly backed away and took my limp body off of her lap.

"It's still my job," My swordsman subordinate muttered before reeling in the sword that grazed her neck.

In the chaos of the ravaging unique wolf monster that had suddenly burst out of nowhere, I doubt anybody had even noticed what happened… but the ones who did realize what happened made sure to keep their eyes peeled but keep their mouths sewn shut.