Raid: Den of Dire Wolves (4)

In the chaos of the ravaging unique wolf monster that had suddenly burst out of nowhere, I doubt anybody had even noticed what happened… but the ones who did realize what happened made sure to keep their eyes peeled but keep their mouths sewn shut.

(Helu POV)

Shit… I didn't think he'd interfere.

It all started with me accidentally getting cut up by that damn mutant and seeing how it was just that thing left, I decided to use it to my advantage.

One thing led to another, and eventually, I had her in the perfect spot where I could assassinate her from the back where nobody would ever notice… yet the Watcher interfered, and that single archer stopped me from stabbing any further.

"Seriously?" I asked, feeling the blade of a sword press against my throat.

"It's still my job," He muttered before pulling the sword away while the archer took care of Faye, who was still numbed by the healers.

They definitely saw what just happened, so I turned toward them and said,

"Keep your lips shut…."

With the threatening eyes of not only me but also the Watcher and archer, the two healers quickly snapped their eyes downwards and nodded rapidly.

"We're taking a break for the day!" The leader shouted, and as everybody began to settle down and disassemble the surrounding corpses, I trailed my eyes off of the almost sorrowful Faye and walked away.

"What?" I asked as Faye dared to come near me even after seeing how I attempted to kill her just earlier.

The archer and Watcher continued to stay awake, carefully observing Faye and me as she sat down next to me, clearly ready to intercept a sneak attack by yours truly.

"Do you hate me that much…? To the point that you'd try to kill me?" Faye muttered, handing me a thermos of warm tea.

I glanced down at the thermos and then back up at her face, lightly chuckling as she really was so damn clueless.

I sat up from the log I was sitting on and layed down on the prickly tattered dirt floor, curling up into a ball and lightly tucking my head into my shirt.

For some strange reason, I just knew bad memories would come flooding back that very night.

And just like that, as soon as I closed my eyes, I snapped them back open and found myself in a classroom with a young woman in her late teens leaning over my desk.

My lips moved on their own, puppeted by the strings of time and fate.

"I-I was thinking we could maybe go to the movie theaters or something…." I lightly stuttered, my lips flushing a light red as my pupils shifted around, unable to look the woman directly in her eyes.

"Ummm… Not today," She rolled her eyes, but the beating of my heart didn't slow in the slightest as she turned away. "Is that why you called me here?"

"Y-Yes… S-Sorry," I lowered my head as she walked away, meeting up with her friends just outside the classroom.

I continued my way through that hellish day, and upon feeling the rumble under my feet as I walked back home, an innate drop of sweat dripped down my cheek.

A bad feeling coursed through me, and I sprinted home, but just before I could open the door, the world around me distorted, and I found myself at the entrance to a movie theater.

Two tickets were firmly grasped in my hand, but I was unable to raise my head… until a single voice echoed through the atmosphere.

"F-Faye? I thought you didn't want to go to the movie theaters?" I stuttered lightly, my pale face growing even paler as I slowly reached toward her.

Her eyes shifted from her friends surrounding her to me, and then swatted my hand.

"Do you know her?"

"Nope… Let's get going,"

"W-Wait!" I cried out, but the world around me distorted yet again, and this time I found myself at the very top of a skyscraper, looking down into the streets flooded with these strange red and purple monsters.

What would be later known as adventurers began to awaken, displaying incredible feats as they pushed back the wave… but I was too numb and leaned forward into the giving air… and just like that, I plummeted towards the ground.

"*gasp*... Huff… huff… huff… huff… Fuck… I should've just stayed up," I lightly muttered before sitting up and seeing Faye sitting on the edge of the log, her head hanging downwards as she lightly snored.

As I walked over to the sleeping porter to grab a midnight snack… I noticed all of the people who were supposed to be watching out for everybody had fainted.

"Are you also a watcher?" I asked as the tip of an arrow pressed against the back of my neck, ready to crush the very top vertebrae of my spine.

Though, the woman didn't need to say anything as I heard the disgusting squishing of splitting pupils that filled up her entire eye before fusing back into one.

Such a disgusting sound was something I could never unhear or mistake.

"Watch where you step… Reaper,"

"You've all become quite bold recently… is it about time I disciple those arrogant assholes again?" I coldly muttered with an expression that sent shivers down the watcher's spine.

"Your lying words mean nothing to me…."

"Clearly not…" I muttered, my eyes grazing down to her shaking shoulder, which she quickly grabbed with another hand.

"Once you get out of here, you'll be captured. I just wanted to let you know that since I want to fight you on even grounds again,"

"It seems some of the dogs are more obedient than I initially thought,"

The arrowhead dug deeper into my skin as those last few words slipped out, but soon the entire arrow was retracted, and I was allowed to breathe easy as she disappeared into the thick fog covering our camp.

"Seems I'm gonna have more trouble,"