Silas and Unwelcomed Guest

There was also a large package that appeared in front of my door the very next day.

But, before I brought it inside my apartment, I checked the package for any tampering with thankfully none in sight.

Though, I still stayed careful as I slowly and carefully picked the cardboard package apart until a singular jar of eyeballs sat in the middle of my living room.

"A jar filled with the eyes of Watchers… this would normally cost a few hundred-thousand gold coins, but here I am…." I smiled to myself before opening the cabinet to my kitchen and taking out a large pot.

Time to make a few useful potions…

As I poured the eyes into the empty pot, I cranked the stove to its max heat and poured a white solution that I pulled out from my fridge.

The white solution immediately began to bubble as the eyes began to break down, slowly coagulating together.

I let the thing simmer for a few hours, occasionally taking the top on and off as to make sure it wouldn't fully boil.

I did simple chores around the house as I waited since I had nothing better to do with my life… I had no friends… just enemies.

"Ugh… how pathetic," I muttered, angry at my own powerlessness and angry at my past.

This situation- no, my life would've never gone in this direction if I didn't lower my head to everybody I encountered.

"*sigh*... It should be done now," I muttered, but just as I entered my kitchen, I noticed a man standing at my stove, slowly stirring the pot of glowing green liquid.

The potion was ready… and he finally revealed himself.

"Seems my hunch was right," I grinned lightly to myself before punching the man in the arm, causing his long purple hair to flutter across my face as he stumbled to the side.

"What a greeting… how befitting of that horrid personality of yours," The man smiled as he punched me back on my arm.

"Oh, shut the hell up… and go fetch my funnel, will you?"

"Don't order me around like I'm a servant of yours…."

"Just get it," I sighed, and as the man noticed that I wasn't really in the mood to banter any longer, he crouched down to the level of the lower cabinets and opened them up, pulling out a rubber funnel.

While he was at it, he also knew to grab a few large vials that he tossed me while I was continuing to stir this putrid-smelling liquid.

I stumbled to catch them and dropped a few, but as he picked them back up and set them on my counter, he helped to transfer the liquid into each glass vial.

"I want to know… did you really lose all of your power?"

"You should be able to tell by just my mana presence… it's nearly zero. It's as thin as fucking paper," I muttered.

Once we finished pouring the liquid into each and every single vial, I found the handsome man staring directly at me with a pair of ocean-blue eyes.

"Hmmm… Interesting. Well, I'll be heading off now," The man muttered, but before I could ask him if he wanted some coffee before leaving, he just teleported out of my house, his presence completely gone from my detection range.

That there was the guild leader of an influential adventuring guild within this city, but also my friend: Silas.

And, if you haven't guessed, he has been the one keeping all of the Watchers who had been following me in check.

There was no way they would leave me completely unattended to when I was asleep, and I was clueless at first, but he let his magic slip just once, so eventually, I was able to conclude he had been my guardian for the past few weeks.

"*sigh*... I'm so damn tired of all this," I muttered and then proceeded to chug the very first vial that greeted my torso.

A warm feeling spread from my belly and to my chest, where something began to take place…

"So, you came here to discuss what I'm supposed to do…?" I asked Faye as she stood at my front door, drenched in the rainwater that was currently pouring outside.

"Y-Yes… I-I never got your phone number, so-"

"Alright, come in. You're not getting my phone number," I muttered, yet I still rolled my eyes since she could easily hack into the phone brand's cloud and retrieve my number with ease.

She was just trying to seem nicer and more appealing now that she wanted to make up with me.

As soon as I opened a way for her to enter my apartment, she swiftly walked in and ordered the Watchers who came with her to stay outside… not that they needed to be in the apartment to survey our meeting.

"You're still alive," Both muttered before I shut the door in their faces.

"Your place is quite nice… are your parents helping to pay for it?" Faye asked, comfortably sitting down on my couch.

What a clueless woman… I could've at least done more research.

"They're dead," I muttered before handing her a glass of water, which she couldn't help but stare at as a few words slipped from my lips.

"I-I'm sorry, I was unaware. They were such nice and hardworking people… I bet they were greeted kindly at the gates of heaven,"


There was an awkward silence, and it was apparent Faye began to beat herself up over how she didn't do more research, but it was not like I was going to console her.

"I know you brought me in here to try and kill me, which I'm saying isn't a good idea. Those Watchers will have a blade at your throat before you even pull a weapon-"


"Seems you're right," I smirked before reeling in the spear of smoke I created with [Smoke Magic] that reached across the room and nearly pierced the throat of Faye.

If the swordsman watcher hadn't pulled me back, I would've slit her throat so good that she would've bled out in an instant.