Purpose and Negotiations

The only gold we could actually take was the gold holding our rewards in the massive wooden chest just plopped there in the center of the room.

Needless to say… all of the rewards were trash, and I didn't want any of it besides this one thing that caught my attention.

"I hope you don't mind me taking this," I muttered, my eyes darting to the leader, who just lightly smiled.

"Take whatever you want. You deserve it… well, except for the gold, of course. The contract means we have to split it,"

"I'm fully aware," I muttered before picking out the delectable item and just waiting to be teleported out of there.

The walk home to my apartment was horrible as this singular woman kept bugging me until my ears nearly fell off.

It didn't take long for me to realize that she wasn't going to give up, and in order to make her stop annoying me, I would have to figure out her true intentions.

"Faye," I muttered, slowly turning around with her two watcher bodyguards standing right beside her. We locked eyes, and her tense muscles slowly eased. "What do you really want? Money? Power?"

The archer guard beside her quickly took a step forward, speaking up as if to protect me ever so slightly.

"She is unaware,"

It was vague but enough for me to understand… as I now knew she was unaware of my past and her intentions were something different than what I'd been thinking about.

I lightly nodded, and as Faye's attention swiftly lay back on my body, with a stern and confident expression, she replied with a conscious tone.

"As I said before, my true intentions are to make up with you, but I also have something to request of you… and before I worsen our relationship, please allow me to speak up,"


"I… I would like you to come to a party with me. Come as my date… and don't worry, my family already knows I like women, but since I'm not dating anybody as of now, I have nobody to go with… and the only woman who could ever live up to their expectations and even surpass them, are you,"

I silently just stood there, watching the traffic of people swerve around our little conversation and continue about their day.

Expressions of annoyance and even slight anger permeated through the air and attempted to penetrate my hard skull, but I continued to just stand there, unmoving.

"And what will my reward be?"

"A-Ah… yes… a reward…." She slightly trailed off, and the way she slightly panicked to herself revealed some annoying details that made me internally cringe.

It was clear she hadn't thought of one and most likely assumed I would just follow her very footsteps and listen to any word she ordered.

Despite her appearance, she hadn't changed much.

"W-Well, I can pay you beautifully… does one thousand gold sound good?" She asked, a drop of sweat nearly sliding into her eye.

My eyes stayed cold, and my resolution was completely unwavering as I was determined to scam this bitch out of as much money as I could muster.

"Raise it," I ordered, and her eyebrow twitched slightly yet stayed obedient to my wishes.

"T-ten thousand. Is that enough?"

"More," I snarled, and as she began to panic yet again, she opened her phone and began to show me an array of items that were completely useless to me… well, except for one.

"Give me this and half a million gold coins. That should be within your capabilities, right? Miss Glintworm…"

Her face was drenched in sweat as she opened up her bank account and noticed how her ridiculous amount of money… but it still wasn't enough to meet my demand.

"That item and three-hundred thousand gold coins,"

"Four hundred thousand,"

"Three hundred and fifty thousand,"

"Four hundred thousand," I stayed firm, and after a bit of consideration, she announced her final amount, which made me nearly lick my lips with the delicious amount she presented to me.

"Three-hundred and seventy-five thousand. I can't go any more than that,"

"That's a shame then… you won't be having me as your date no matter what you do now, so you better be hitting other people up quickly," I shrugged and then swiftly turned around to walk away.

But, just as I had anticipated, she grabbed onto my shoulder and turned me around, and speaking those appealing words of hers.

"Fine… That item and four hundred thousand gold coins… I-I can do that, but I can't pay that much right now. Is it okay if I pay you over a couple of months? I'll be sure to get the money," She stuttered, and just like that, I had won the negotiations.

That night, I went home smiling ear to ear to myself, completely content with the way the negotiations went.

And when I woke up the next morning, I saw an easy one hundred thousand gold coins enter into my bank account.

There was also a large package that appeared in front of my door the very next day.

But, before I brought it inside my apartment, I checked the package for any tampering, with thankfully none in sight.

Though, I still stayed careful as I slowly and carefully picked the cardboard package apart until a singular jar of eyeballs sat in the middle of my living room.

"A jar filled with the eyes of Watchers… this would normally cost a few hundred-thousand gold coins, but here I am…." I smiled to myself before opening the cabinet to my kitchen and taking out a large pot.

Time to make a few useful potions…