The Glintworm Gathering (2)

He also informed me of how Silas had disagreed, so I told him what he had been doing.

"Geez, that guy… Wasting his precious energy and time on something so trifling… did you seriously lose everything?"

"What you see right now is what I've managed to gather back. Still got my smoke magic and some new things in my arsenal, but my angel title is gone, so…."

"He dropped you? Shouldn't he have reached out by now?"

"Well, he did… but I'm apparently way too weak to receive it without dying,"

The man let out a burst of laughter, drawing attention from the people around us, but he soon defused it with his diminishing cry of joy.

"You are one crazy son of a bitch,"

(Albus POV)

It didn't take long for me to get the finger wag of death, attempting to pull me over to the corner of the room as this jealous woman wanted answers.

Her fluttering white hair was similar to mine, but it had a matte bone-white color instead of my glistening strands of moonlight.

As I parted ways from Helu for just a moment, I looked towards the corner of the room and saw Silas watching from the shadows.

That creepy mother fucker was still trying to watch over her, even at this public event… what a fucking weirdo.

I met with Faye face to face in an empty hallway within this maze of marble and glistening magical-looking stones.

"How do you know her?" She immediately began to interrogate me, and her overbearing attitude was something I was all too familiar with.

Hmm… maybe they would be a good couple… actually, no, wouldn't they just be fighting all the time?

"Old work partners, but I was somebody able to escape the contract we had been enslaved with. The same thing with the dude constantly watching her… we're all good friends from a few years ago,"

There was a long silence between us before she started talking again, but this time she was more stern than ever.

"Why doesn't she like me?"

"As I said… you're not her type," I smirked and grabbed a wine bottle from a passing waiter, but he didn't dare to say anything back upon seeing my light yet hostile smile.

Twirling my fingers, a pair of crystal clear glasses made from small gems appeared in my right hand.

I gestured one of the glasses towards Faye, but she didn't even take a glance at it before squinting her eyes directly at me, obviously pressing me for an explanation.

"Then what is her type? Old? She said my mother was her type… I literally dated her in the past, and now that I've become much better and have reflected on my mistakes, she won't even consider it,"

"You dated her in the past?" I raised my eyebrow since that was a bit surprising.

"Well, before the great conversion… you wouldn't understand," She shrugged, and as a long silence befell us once again, the sound of glugging wine pouring into my glass began to resound across the mansion.

My eyes stayed glued to the woman in front of me as a dose of killing intent erupted from my eyes, nearly slicing her head off her body.

Glug… glug… glug… glug…

"E-Excuse me… you're spilling some of your wine," A passing attendant muttered, snapping me out of my trance.

I just barely managed to shift my expression into a cheery one and thank the attendant before waving him goodbye.

As soon as he disappeared behind a corner, I shifted my eyes back to Faye, who looked at me wearily, ready to defend herself.

"You dated her before the great conversion? Like the same one where dungeons and mana appeared all over the world?"

"Yeah? And what about it?"

"Kekekeke… geez… no wonder she doesn't like you," I maliciously smirked before turning around and sipping on my glass of wine.

"W-Wait! What do you mean by that!?" She shouted and caught the cuff of my sleeve, wanting even more answers when she deserved absolutely none.

I glanced back at the woman and, through gritted teeth, spoke up.

"You made her try and kill herself,"

I ripped my sleeve away and began to storm down the hallway and back into the ballroom, where I felt the pressure of conflict slowly rising in the room.

"So, did you tell her?"

Helu was already aware of what her ex-girlfriend would be talking about, and it was my fault for letting such details slip.

It was obvious she already knew how the conversation would pan out, yet she didn't step in…

"Why didn't you stop me? You want to see how she'll react?"

"Of course…" She muttered as I poured her a glass of wine whilst sitting down next to her and gesturing for Silas to come over.

The shadow he was hiding in didn't even tremble until Helu gestured for him to come over.

"Well, it seems I have two magnificent bodyguards for the show tonight," Helu muttered with a large smile.

"Wow, wow, wow… who said I was going to be protecting you. I got shit to do during the chaos, so use Silas to his fullest,"

"Can I know what you're going to do?"

"Let's just say the Glintworm family has some nice treasure for the taking. Also, they should really treat their servants better because the number of traitors we were able to get in contact with was almost impressive,"

"Helu… can we… can we talk?" A voice suddenly called out from behind us, and Helu, who was normally expressionless, begun to smile lightly.

I would feel bad for her…