The Glintworm Gathering (3)

"Wow, wow, wow… who said I was going to be protecting you. I got shit to do during the chaos, so use Silas to his fullest,"

"Can I know what you're going to do?"

"Let's just say the Glintworm family has some nice treasure for the taking. Also, they should really treat their servants better because the number of traitors we were able to get in contact with was almost impressive,"

"Helu… can we… can we talk?" A voice suddenly called out from behind us, and Helu, who was normally expressionless, began to smile lightly.

I would feel bad for her…

(Helu POV)

I walked into the hallway, still sipping on the amazing glass of red wine I had obtained from the party.

Never in my life had I tasted such a delicate flavor that hung on the back of my tongue, so as I followed Faye, I couldn't suppress my smile.

"Shit… this is good," I licked my lips.

"Helu… if you don't mind me asking, after… that happened, what did you do after?" Faye looked up at me with guilty eyes.

"You mean when you broke up with me in the worst way possible?" I lightly smirked, making her flinch ever so slightly even though my words were a bit exaggerated.

"Y-Yeah… Only if you feel comfortable talking about it, though,"

"Oh, I just went home," I responded after taking another sip of the ever-so-sweet wine that I lightly sipped on.

"That's all? Was… Sir Albus lying?"

"Mmmm… I don't know… anyway, duck for me," I muttered, but her confused response was more than enough for me to take action on my own.

I grabbed the top of her head and yanked her downwards, causing the massive spear of bone to whizz right over her.

Smoke seeped from the edge of my mouth, and with a flick of my index finger, I sent it flying toward my target, shooting straight through his leg.

As I slowly walked over to the man with short green hair and whirling indigo eyes, he continued to glare at me before slamming his palms on the ground.

I rendered him immobile, yet he still hadn't given up in the slightest.

As more smoke seeped from my mouth, the long hallway we were currently in began to twist and turn as if the material was under my control.


Suddenly the double wooden doors glazed in primer slammed open, revealing two men with wavy green hair and a handful of watching eyes that poked out from behind them.

"You-!" He paused for just a moment upon seeing his target all the way in the back and me standing over their precious little bait. "G-Get away from him! Guards! Restrain this woman at once!"

Guards began to storm the hallway and surrounded me… they made it so obvious from the beginning.

But this was just the first conflict of many that would slowly begin to rise from the trenches of these evil families.

"Enjoy my present," I muttered before snapping my fingers and clearing the thin veil of smoke permeating through the hallway.

Suddenly, I had disappeared, and the man who looked like he was about to shit his pants below me turned into a rolling head that tumbled to the men's feet.

Their eyes widened, and the heavy stench of blood immediately slammed them in the nose, forcing them to cover their noses as they backed away with fear.

"F-FIND THAT WOMAN!" They cried out, and the carefully watching eyes saw these weakened men… and bam… just like that, the bloodshed had commenced.

The two men had created shields of matte-gray bone, just barely defending their necks from the onslaught of magical attacks.

"Y-You insolent monkeys!" They all cried out, and as I carried Faye in my arms and ran in the opposite direction, I couldn't help but laugh.

Silas and Albus soon joined us not long after, staring at Faye, who couldn't stop blushing while I carried her in my arms.

"P-Put me down," She stuttered, but I didn't even give her a glance as my eyes squirmed to the ceiling and directed a blast of smoke that choked out the following assassins.

My mana reserves were running extremely dry, so thankfully, we had these boys who cleaned up the rest for me.

Albus controlled a dancing wave of ethereal blue flowers that floated across the hallway, causing anybody who touched them to come under his control and cause them to fight against their own allies.

It was a very impressive power wielded only by the Pixland family, but going against somebody much stronger was something they struggled at.

There was a cap at how powerful of a person they could control, but that is where Silas came in as his magical blasts of purple nova-like dust set anybody they touched on fire.

This fire burned with a dim purple and was merciless against human flesh but didn't taint even the slightest bit of hair protruding from the red carpet below.

"Why'd you save me?" Faye asked, her glare scraping my skin. "I didn't need saving… I could've protected myself,"

I glanced down at the woman for just a moment, stopped in the middle of the hallway, and dropped her to the floor.

"Fine then… I was being charitable,"

"You were just trying to kill me not long ago, and now you're saving me? Make up your mind!" She shouted before dashing in the other direction in order to save her family.

As soon as Silas and Albus cleared out the rest of the people tailing us, the people under Albus' control were sent across the mansion to wreak more havoc.

"She's got a point…." Silas shrugged, and as I directed my glare right at him, he shifted his eyes away.

"Ever heard of financial security… she's more useful to me alive rather than dead. Plus, having the goons of the Glintworm family constantly chasing me isn't the best of things for me to deal with,"

"I thought so," Albus smirked before we made our way to the lower level: the basement of this massive mansion.