The Glintworm Gathering (4)

"You were just trying to kill me not long ago, and now you're saving me? Make up your mind!" She shouted before dashing in the other direction in order to save her family.

As soon as Silas and Albus cleared out the rest of the people tailing us, the people under Albus' control were sent across the mansion to wreak more havoc.

"She's got a point…." Silas shrugged, and as I directed my glare right at him, he shifted his eyes away.

"Ever heard of financial security… she's more useful to me alive rather than dead. Plus, having the goons of the Glintworm family constantly chasing me isn't the best of things for me to deal with,"

"I thought so," Albus smirked before we made our way to the lower level: the basement of this massive mansion.

The stairway leading down to the massive metal doors blocking our way into the basement wasn't as long as we had expected.

It only took us half a minute to get down until we reached the massive metal doors blocking our way.

"We got people coming," Silas stated the obvious, but we didn't waste any time just standing around as Albus pushed open the doors, and I let my smoke seep through the tiny crack.

My body disappeared from the outside of the door, and I found myself inside the basement, which could only be described as a massive vault filled to the brim with high technological magic circles.

"It's as we thought," I muttered as Albus fully pushed open the door and allowed both of us inside.

"There's some high tech?" He asked, unable to sense the technology hidden behind such advanced camouflage that my smoke could barely detect it.

"Mhm… but it's a bit rusted… if we step any further than here…." I slowly moved my foot out until I sensed the turrets in the corner of this massive metal box turn towards me, so I quickly retracted my limb before it was shot off. "Yep… but first, let's light this place up,"

Reaching out his hands, Albus poured heaps of mana into his palms, allowing small flower particles to shift through the room.

Soon, the entire metal vault revealed its beautiful and glowing treasures, yet the hidden weaponry was still invisible to the naked eye.

"Oh yeah… I feel it," Albus' eyes widened upon sensing the machinery that could absolutely blast us to smithereens.

"Is this your tech?" I turned to Silas, the other owner of the Angel Tech guild and the one who focuses mainly on external weaponry.

There are two sections in violent technology as of now, with both being arguably as strong as the other.

One was the body modifications that people in higher-income areas rarely partake in due to the high risk the more powerful the machinery is.

The lower-tier ones are practically useless in battle and more for small hobbies or decorations that might improve how you look.

That's why places with lower income and people who can afford such tech have so much prostitution.

"Uhh… nope… probably some company from outside our city…."

And then there's the technology which is mostly used in machinery like turrets, tanks, and sometimes even mechs, but most adventurers are stronger than them, so they're very rarely used.

These things can be destructive if enough money, resources, and time is poured into their production… and that ability can be seen right before us.

"Each one of these has gotta be at least a hefty million…." Albus muttered but couldn't stop smiling as technology like this was practically useless against magic like mine and his.

Our magic was on a molecular level and allowed us to slip into any type of machinery that we could easily destroy from the inside.

And soon, the technology was broken down, but a loud siren echoed through the room, nearly knocking me out from its intense frequency.

All of us stumbled before regaining our balance and noticing we had been surrounded once again, but this time it was by several outside families.

It was inevitable that the Glintworm family would be taken down first as they were the hosts and owners of this house.

"Helu… tell me you weren't just twiddling your fingers this entire time, right? I'm sure those assholes are gonna be moving onto the next step," Silas muttered as a drop of sweat ran down his cheek.

He was one of the strongest beings in this city, yet the other ones who could oppose stood right before him, glaring down at all three of us.

All three of us synched up for just a moment as we all nodded in unison and then proceeded with a plan that we all could just feel in our bones.

Albus snapped his fingers, causing the only light within this vault to go out, but the senses of these powerful adventurers, possibly retired adventurers, weren't going to fail so easily on them right now.

We all made a dash for the exit, but even my speed-centered class couldn't keep up with the duo, leaving me locked behind the metal doors as they shut closed on their own.

I slowly turned back towards the adventurers as I held the glass box in my hand.

"Well! Well! Well! If it isn't the cold-hearted reaper!" A swordsman cried out, wiping the blood from her pitch-black blade.

I couldn't see it, but I could feel the dark color, its ripe edge, and its beautifully molded steel that was ready to cut me down.



"God… fucking dammit," I muttered, but I wasn't worried about these adventurers as they all were going to be slaughtered under the pure iron fist of this machinery around us.

There were back up turrets hidden in the walls… and the magical bullets about to come out of the extended barrels would create explosions so massive that even this metal box would implode.

"This was their plan from the start… shit,"