The Glintworm Gathering (5)


"God… fucking dammit," I muttered, but I wasn't worried about these adventurers as they all were going to be slaughtered under the pure iron fist of this machinery around us.

There were backup turrets hidden in the walls… and the magical bullets about to come out of the extended barrels would create explosions so massive that even this metal box would implode.

"This was their plan from the start… shit,"


Slipping into my smoke form, I was just barely able to retain my body while the others in the room were either blown to bits or severely injured.

Even the top adventurers of this city could barely keep up with such high technology.

"Huff… huff… huff… I almost died a second time," I heaved a sigh of relief but suddenly saw the enraged auras of these men in front of me.

[Side Quest has been revealed]

(Faye POV)

"DAD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I shouted, trying to tear past the guards who held me back, all while I was forced to watch everybody in that room get blown to bits.

"WE DID IT! AHAHAHAHAHA! WE FUCKING DID IT! WE'VE WIPED OUT OUR TOP COMPETITORS IN AN INSTANT!" He shouted hysterically, laughing and jumping up and down with my mother.

I had no clue this was all planned from the beginning… and if I knew this was going to happen, I would've stayed with her.

"Shit… shit… shit… shit… WHY'D YOU DO THAT?! MY GIRLFRIEND WAS STILL IN THERE!" I shouted, and as my parents slowly calmed down, my mother turned towards me with icy cold eyes.

"Now that we've essentially conquered this city already, you can find some other… girlfriend of yours," Her words were almost like a spit in the face before she turned back towards the monitors surveying the room.

They had been blown to bits under the high firepower of the technology.

"Faye, be a dear and go check and make sure they're dead… I'm sure some have survived, but their hazy consciousness might give us an edge in finishing them off…." My father ordered before turning to his private butler. "Now! Steven! Inform the commanders that they can go ahead and storm their mansions… they're top tier members are now gone or trapped,"

I ran out of the room and dashed towards the basement, not because my father told me to, but because I wanted to make sure Helu actually survived.

"Shit… I don't care about forgiveness… just please be alive," I silently begged to somebody… somebody out there.


I suddenly ran into a brick wall, but when I looked up, I found two men standing above me, glaring down with such killing intent it felt as if I was going to die.

"P-Please… t-tell me she's alive," I stuttered, my face paler than a blank sheet of white paper.

The duo's eyes shifted from a glare to a look of confusion as they saw me shaking, on the verge of underserved tears.

"She should be… but we need to open up that metal box first," Silas suggested and, with a glimpse of hope, reached out toward me I gripped it tightly and didn't let it go.

"F-Follow me," I muttered, regaining shards of my composure and essentially just gluing them onto me.

I still ran through the mansion, knowing it was partially my fault to blame.

"M-My parents are controlling the control room for the basement and all the mechanics in the mansion… If you kill or knock them out, you should be able to gain control of the door. Those mechanisms should still be intact,"

As soon as we turned a corner, we found ourselves greeted by a flood of guards already awaiting our presence.

"You sold us out, huh? I figured," Albus shrugged, and my face paled even further as everything was currently against me for some reason.

"N-No! I-I swear-"

"Faye… my sweet little darling… you've been such a nuisance for such a long time… sucking so much money, power, time, and influence while doing absolutely nothing! YOU FAILURE! YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT! GUARDS! KILL ALL THREE OF THEM!" My father shouted from across the hall where the entrance to the control room was.

But, instead of feeling kicked down, a wave of rage coursed through my body since I knew they didn't like me, but they could've at least told me to get the hell out of their house!

I wouldn't have minded leaving those shitbags to go rot in this damn privileged city!

"Hey… I'll provide you with support. Go all out if need be," I muttered through gritted teeth before activating every buff skill in my arsenal. "[Advanced Haste] [Advanced Empower] [Advanced Sensory Heighten] [Tandem Power Sharing] [Advanced Eagle Eye] [Advanced Holy Grace],"

The two looked at me dumbfounded as I activated so many buffs that the mana being sucked out of me brought me to my knees.

They were wrapped in these mystical powers, creating a golden glow that made their muscles bulge and their ears, nose, eyes, and mouth twitch.

"There was no need for the empower," Silas smirked, but just as he pushed the initial wave of knights back with a crash of purple dust, Albus stepped.

"Let me… it'll give us more of an advantage," He muttered before waving his hand and sending a blast of blue flowers across the room, turning everybody into these motionless hanging zombies.

Their back arched forward, limp, but once Albus snapped his fingers, they turned toward the control room, scaring my parents, who were trying to bring the dead cameras back up.

"YOU GODDAMN FAILURE OF A DAUGHTER!" My father shouted as both of my parents were overwhelmed by these knights.

Though, they weren't done yet.

There was a reason as to why they held the top position of the Glintworm family… and that was because of their extreme power-


Silas disappeared from behind me, reappearing behind the man and woman at least ten meters away from us.

Their heads rolled off of their necks, with both the lower half and upper half of their bodies burning into ash as soon Silas sheathed a sword of sparkling grey metal.

"[Calvary of Stars: Universal Tear]."
