The Glintworm Gathering (Final)


Silas disappeared from behind me, reappearing behind the man and woman at least ten meters away from us.

Their heads rolled off of their necks, with both the lower half and upper half of their bodies burning into ash as soon Silas sheathed a sword of sparkling grey metal.

"[Calvary of Stars: Universal Tear]."


"Show off," Albus clicked his tongue before we ran to the control room, and I scanned the board of different mechanics.

"If I'm correct… it should be… this," I muttered, flicking a switch at the very top of the board but seeing no reaction. "Shit… the cameras are still not working… Silas, you come with me. Albus, you defend this place with your life,"

"Don't give me orders," He snarled as we both dashed down the hallway as fast as we could… or as fast as I could.

Silas looked as if he was having a dainty stroll while I was heaving and puffing, gasping for air, and clawing at the atmosphere to try and pull me forward.

"You should do more cardio if you want to keep up with Helu," Silas lightly smirked, but I didn't think much of it until the sexual innuendo finally hit me.

"Go… Go fuck yourself,"

We soon arrived at the twin metal doors shielding our way into the massive basement… yet this time, it was open, and a heavy stench of blood wafted through the air.

I suppressed the urge to throw up as Silas swung his sword, clearing the mist of blood and smoke that polluted the air around us.

From the parting blood-red smoke, a figure sat on top of a small pile of corpses, slowly turning her cold eyes toward us.

We both stopped in place, almost shivering from the pressure she unleashed.

Her figure was enhanced and almost grown by the smoke surrounding her, an illuminating and eerie silhouette that greeted us with intensity.

Though, the only thing that slipped out of my mouth was,

"Hot… geez…." I lightly blushed as the woman painted with blood hopped off the pile of corpses and walked over to us, the two daggers in her hands disappearing with a trail of smoke.

Her eyes trailed over me with a sense of disgust before turning to Silas with a glass box in hand.

"There's no way you killed all of them… what happened to the rest?" Silas asked, receiving the box gently but squinting his eyes at the woman who was as cold as ice.

"All of these were just small fry who were ditched by their Masters… the others were able to escape via servants who knew spatial magic or had a teleportation stone with coords linked up… I got lucky," Helu muttered, looking down at her hands stained with blood.

"Then we better get out of here before they come back to take this,"

Silas quickly stuffed the glass box into his suit, which somehow absorbed it, and then we proceeded down to break the glass in the hallway.

We met up with Albus just outside the mansion's perimeter, which had been flooded with government officials attempting to figure out what was happening.

Though, like always, this incident would probably just be brushed under the rug, leaving the top families unpunished as long as they slipped the proper amount of cash.

"They'll still probably go and search for you two and the rest of the attendees, so how about you stay at my place for a bit…." Helu suggested.

The two men froze for just a moment before glancing their beady pupils right at me.

"You inviting her as well?" Albus asked.

I snapped my head towards Helu and produced the most pitiful, heart-wrenching, and blood-pumping puppy face I could create.

"What happened to your parents?" She asked, ruining all the hardwork I put into making sure I looked pitiful enough for her to invite me over.

I let out a long sigh and looked upwards towards the dark clouds slowly leaking rain onto the mortal world, wetting the dry and arid air stained, attempting to wipe the stains of blood from existence.

"They're dead,"

"And how do you feel?" She asked, and I could tell from her cold eyes that depending on my answer, I would either be dead to her or possibly level up in familiarity.

So, in the end, I chose the most truthful answer… even though it was the most insensible one seeing as how she grieved for her parent's death while I,

"Feel nothing. Nothing at all… well, that's wrong. I feel a sense of clarity, as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders,"

Her cold eyes drifted off of me, content with my answer, and I knew I had chosen wisely since, from what I'd learned so far, she didn't want any pity.

"Lucky you," She muttered.

Seeing how she didn't say anything after that, I just took that as a sign to follow her, and with a dose of excitement rushing through my veins, I couldn't stop smiling.

Today was a pretty good day.

(Helu POV)

"Well, make yourself comfortable and stay as long as you'd like. Silas, no need to keep your guard up because the Watchers will be retracted for now… though, I think it's about time we settle what we're going to do with the cube," I muttered, throwing my wet sweater to the side, leaving me in just a light undershirt.

The two boys also took off their shirts and tossed them into my dryer before rummaging through my hangers.

"Hey! Don't pick the good-looking ones!" I shouted before turning to Faye, who seemingly begged with her eyes for a spare shirt as well. "*sigh*... Go ahead," I rolled my eyes.

Click… click… click… click…

No matter how many times I pushed down on the lighter, it wouldn't create a flame strong enough for me to light my cigarette.

So, defeated, I walked over to the blinds and pulled them open, overlooking the damp city polluted by trash who ran the streets, walked the streets, overlooked the streets, and most of all ignored the streets.

"I think it's about time I move…" I muttered before looking up at the completely side quest.