Attacked By Watchers (1)

"Bread? Why would I have- oh, you mean money?" She asked, and we both rolled our eyes. "S-Sorry… b-but yeah, I should have it. In fact, I should have access to all the money I could ever need since I have free-range access to my parent's bank account,"

"The rest of your family won't come after you?" I asked since her cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, you name it should be after her head for various reasons.

And the first step to inconvenience her would be to take advantage of their bank accounts, as hacking technology has come a long way.

"We ummm… store our money in the form of physical value. It's a bit out of date even during this day and age, but we use the gold to copper coin system,"

"It's only out of date to you rich people," I muttered, and as an awkward air penetrated through the atmosphere, Albus came rushing out of my bedroom.

From behind him, ten shadowy figures entered the main part of my apartment, immediately closing off any exit.

Each window and door had at least one shadowy figure next to it while the remaining shadowy figures charged toward me and only me.

"Silas!" Albus cried out as he couldn't reach me in time.

Silas, who had already felt the presence of these killing-intent-filled things, had unsheathed a blade seemingly made out of the stars… but it was unneeded.


I blocked an entire set of knives that had been thrown at me from nearly every direction with the spoon I had been using.

And once all of the knives were sent flying back, the spoon literally disintegrated into dust, causing my senses to immediately go off like an alarm.

"Rot magic… so you're Watchers, huh?" I asked the group as they all paused, attempting to reach the situation.

"These guys… what the hell are these guys?" Silas lightly smirked as a weary drop of sweat ran down his cheek, dripping onto the floor and sounding the signal for the next dance of this performance.

I ducked out of the way as two long daggers gripped tightly by these shadowy figures passed over me, just barely missing my nose.

I could feel the killing intent and bloodlust radiating from the blade itself, scraping my skin as if sending me a warning that proceeding with this fight any longer would result in my death.

"Tools should just shut the fuck up," I sighed as smoke began to pour out the slight cracks made in the sides of my mouth.

My entire apartment had been clouded with a smokescreen in less than a second, but of course, the augmented eyes of these Watchers would see straight through it.

Heat sensing, presence sensing, heartbeat sensing, breathing sensing… they had everything… felt just from their eyes.

I could feel the slightest delighted gaze of these Watchers who felt as if their victory had been confirmed, but unbeknownst to them, they had already fallen into my trap.

[Smoke Magic]

The smoke around me was dyed in a blood-red within only a few seconds as the Watchers around me could be heard falling to the ground.

Their artificial hearts still pump blood through their body despite their heads being completely pierced by my magic.

It was almost incredible to look at as their lifeless corpses revealed by my clearing smoke, slowly rising upwards like they had been possessed by a ghost.

No, it was more appropriate to say that they were being controlled with puppet strings that continuously twitched their muscles.

Even their bloodlust continued to spread like a thick miasma, just threatening me from even the afterlife itself.

"[Necromancy]," I uttered, and my voice turned a bit raspy as a dark aura unleashed from my body and sunk its teeth into each and every single corpse around me.

Like a parasite, it wiggled its way underneath the skin of these things and slowly took over their bodies until these puppet strings had snapped.

[Corpse Level Too High]

[Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection]

My vision was flooded with warnings as my skill had been rejected, and these things seemingly snapped back to life.

The holes in their heads had stopped bleeding, and instead of using physical metal daggers, they conjured up daggers made of shadows.

They swirled in each and every direction, serving as a kind of tearing mechanism that would most likely shred my skin if they touched me.

[Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection] [Rejection]

"Goddammit… Get out of my sigh-!"

It was as if their speed from before was a setup for this very moment… it was as if they had been baiting me the entire time until they saw a chance.

And it wasn't any old thing that distracted me, but the very system which was keeping me alive; it was meant to help me even past death.

"*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*..."

Strangely, my health began to deplete despite the bones in my body- no, the bones, which were my real body, had been torn to shreds under the immense physical pressure and tearing which slipped into my body.

It hurt… it hurt really badly.

Blood poured from my mouth with smoke just barely steaming outwards, forcing the lifeless corpses to back away.

Silas and Albus, on the other hand, were filled with rage as they saw me drop to my knees and immediately snapped their heads toward the bodies lining the walls of my apartment.

The numbers had tripled completely.

Faye, who had watched all of this and attempted to slip into the fight, turned her attention toward me and ran right beside me, carefully inspecting the wounds.

She was attempting to remain calm, but her shaking hands were enough to tell me that she was panicking.

"Shit shit shit shit shit,"

A string of words flowed from her mouth before immediately healing me with her most powerful healing spell.

The golden glow encapsulated my entire body, but the ravaging daggers made from shadows were too strong to suppress.

"Don't die… please don't die," She begged, tears flowing from her eyes as the dynamic duo helped fend off the hideous Watchers.

This is bad…