Normal/Doctors povish

Chapter 5:

                  Birds chirped, the rain let up to show beautiful flowers elevated by rain drops, a cool wind blew past.

                 A stunning woman blinked her eyes open. Her long, curly hair a mess. It framed a slightly pointed face with high cheek bones, a slight upturned nose, and almond shaped eyes.

                  Once the fog cleared from her mind, her minty green eyes became shrouded in confusion. She was in a big, spacious room with three walls of glass.

                 Starting to panic, she turned her head only to find the doctor with her laying on her bed cacooned in her arms. She became memorized until she heard a tiny squeal. It sounded as if this doctor of hers screamed in the dream, however held back subconsciously.

                   Unbeknownst to even herself, the runaways brows met in a frown. Slowly, she held her hand. It seemed to be a mistake though as the woman pulled her arm and started using it as a pillow.

                 It hurt, not as much as before, but it still hurt. The woman was never more happy she never let out sounds nor cry at pain in a while. She didn't want her doctor to wake up. She seemed tired when they met, and now she seemed a bit happy using her arm.

                  Quickly turning around she started chanting like a Buddhist. 'It's the least I can do, she saved my life.'

                 Nice, quiet moments like these never seem to last long, however, as someone barged into the room yelling. "Boss! Boss, it's urgent. It's your father!" He seemed panicked.

                  The boss lifted her head, slight drool hanging from her mouth connecting a piece of hair. "Huh?" She looked at him confused.

              Surprising herself, the lady on the bed let out a bit of a chuckle. She then wiped the drool and disconnected the hair. The man seemed stunned while her doctor was at a loss for words.

               Words didn't need to be spoken though, as the woman could see she was a bit embarrassed and really shocked.

               "Dog!" The doctor spoke out confusing the woman.

                Soon she got it (somehow) when seeing the determination in her doctors eyes.

                "I'm not a dog, I have a name. Its-" Before she could finish, however, the woman looked a bit stressed and panicked. She quickly got up and went out. To her dismay, the cat shouted, a bit annoyed, "Alora!"