Armins povish

Chapter 6:

          The doctor stumbled around. "Get a hold of yourself!" She shouted, slapping her face.

           2 goons and her self entitled brother are dead, cat is on the verge (again)! She grumbled. Trying to process. Her dad is going to be pissed and find me again. She trembled. No, not that.

           She finally found her phone and called a number.

            "Boss!" A gruff voice answered.

             "Get here in 10 minutes, bring the jars, clean up supplies, and life kit."

             "Anything else boss?" The person on the other end questioned, bewildered.

              A pause, before an answer- completely baffling the subordinate. "Cigarettes, alcohol, and" A slight pause before the woman muttered, stuttering like a little school girl, "Please, don't hang up. Armin."

              Armin, who was running down the stairs, nearly tripped. "Yes boss."

               He said this professionally yet his mind was getting worried. He's only seen his boss like this once. Only once.

              That time she showed up at his doorstep with a bag. He ushered her in, although very bemused. She asked him if she could stay- no- It was as if she was pleading with her eyes. Her swollen, puffed up eyes. Her hair was a tangled mess mixed in with blood and rain. She seemed so fragile, as if waiting for the wind to push her over.

              It was that bastard again, probably. Who raises a kid to be a prostitute? Even if it was for information.

              At that time, he was so mad. The only thing he could do though, was usher her inside and hug her. She cried like a baby on his chest. It broke his heart. He promised to himself he would never betray her, even if he has to ask his family for help.

             She was only 14 then. She's gone a long way, however, he wishes she would've just forgot forever- even if she doesn't remember him.

              She seemed so strong and put up a cold front, yet the 12 knights knew better. Heck! They named themselves her knights because the hope that one day, she would collapse her walls on her own accord. When that day happens, the 12 will be her protecting shields- not to isolate her. Never to enclose her. But to make her feel safe.

                Maybe... someday.

                "Ya crying asshole?" A- no, boss. Boss asked on the other end.

               "I'm alright, why would I cry?" He asked, wiping a few tears while keeping his voice calm.

                His boss just hummed. He knew that calling him asshole was her way of trying to put a barrier around herself. He tried not to laugh.

                "Ya laughing at me now? Eh?" She tried to sound as cold and mean as she could, failing terribly in the face of her guardian brother.

                  Act professional Armin. He reminded himself. "Of course not boss. Can I bring Oscar?"

                 He tried to steer the conversation away, which seemed to work. His boss answered, almost unsure, "Yeah, bring him to. Hurry imbecile!"

                  By now, Armin was fluent in his sist- bosses language. She was really worried. "Okay, I will be there in 15  minutes, is that alright boss?"

                  "Yeah." Her voice was so weak. He rushed to his motorcycle, texted Oscar, and rushed through the streets. Early morning traffic was just beginning so he was able to dodge most cars. He drove over one, causing a major 10-car-accident.

                  He was on his way, and would never let anything happen- not again.