Pandas/Oscar povish

Chapter 7:

            Getting the message the 12 knights areed upon as an sos for boss, Oscar started to freak out. He was told to bring an ambulance. This was terrible. Was his boss alright?

           "Hurry up!" He yelled at panda, a hospital manager. "Get an ambulance!"

           Her boss was never this panicked. He always was calm and quiet, so when he suddenly yelled like the world was ending, panda figured it just as well may be.

           "Yes boss!" She shouted, running down the stairs. Her boss was worried, no time for the elevator.

            Luckily, running about all day helped her keep her stamina to run down 3 flights of stairs, all the while calling an ambulance.

            When she reached the landing, she quite literally unbuckled the driver's seat belt and threw them on the floor. No time! She made sure her boss was behind her when the passengers door open. Panda jumped so hard, her head hit the ceiling. This must be something important wuwu [T^T]

             Her boss rushed in and gave her a death stare. Getting the message-Yes boss!

             "Sorry! I'll give you a bonus!" She shouted at the driver while turning on the lights and rushing towards the address boss gave her.

               When they reached, her boss looked at her. "Stay"

              "Yes boss!" Panda was a good employee. Of course she would wait.


                 Armin turned, panicked at the sound of the door. "Oscar!" He hissed. Whoever says Armin is so nice- they are liers. He may put that mask up, but hes really just a spoiled baby. Well, a spoiled simp would be better to describe this big man, freaking out.

                   Looking past him, he saw three bodies, and a crumbled An- boss. He then looked at the girl in her arms. She's crying over this girl? Is she worth it?

                   Sighing, he called Panda. "Give me 3 body bags, a stretcher, and call the cleaners."

                  "Yes boss!" Came a childish voice. Well, Panda my be childish but she was his first choice as successor if he died.

                   Soon, a woman with a high ponytail and glasses so thick they may as well have turned back into sand, came in. She squeaked in surprise, gave the stretcher to him, then put on gloves and hauled each body into a body bag.

                    She may not look it, but standing at a proud height of 5'3", she was as strong as a mom with a frying pan. He turned to hid s-boss and put the stretcher down next to the woman.

                   "No. Please. Not again." His boss kept mumbling. She's in this state? For a person I've never even met?! Must be new, and yet... oh well. Boss is unraveling. Nothing else matters right now. Jeez. This woman must pass the test.

                  "I won't let it happen." Both armin and Oscar said at the same time, trying to calm their boss. They gave each other a glance, not liking it one bit they said the same thing but knowing it wasn't the time.

                  Armin gently unclamped boss from the enemy. Yes, she was an enemy. She hasn't gotten through his test and yet.... he looked at his boss. He'll be gentle.

                 If anyone, even the residents, saw the procession taking place, then they would be flabbergasted.

             A tiny girl led the parade carrying a whole 3 bodies thrown over her shoulder like bags of potatoes. This was followed by a grumpy man hot enough to be an idol trying to be as careful as he could with a woman on a stretcher and a life aid. Holding up the end came a mess of a girl shivering, mumbling, and crying, in a man's arms. Looking at the guys blonde hair, he was probably a foreigner- one no one wanted to deal with. His muscles were about the size of a normal person's waist, not even taking that into account, he was at least 6 ft.

               Panda looked back- this was going to be a long night.