Blast him!!!!!

Vail was very excited one might ask why he is very excited bouncer would be simple he was forcibly reborn by some ROBs in the transformers prime universe as one of Megatron's disposable clone soldiers but they were kind enough to give him modifications like a helicopter alternate mode and some gamer powers and a new paint job having all the information stuff inside of his processor which I guess he can call his brain.

It took above him a minute minutes to understand everything he has been given testing out his energon making ability by consuming physical matter such as scrap metal.

Which keeping his fuel reserves to 100% which now he doesn't have to worry about keeping himself online after all he doesn't want to starve to death.

As well as began moving his body getting used to the feeling of it his body is not like that of the supers it's like a splice between car mode models in flight mode models his lower half looks frail but can tell from his sensors and data from his processor tell him that far more durable They look as well as having a slightly more bulky body up top towards his chest section which he scanned and took inventory stock of what he had on him.

his right arm with an equip blaster shooting energy blast from it as well as his claws that can shred low quality metal.

As well rounded shoulders were two small missile batteries are located giving him much more wide variety of weapons.

Going through his gamer powers as well seen all of his stats.

[name: vail

Body type: medium

Model: vehicon

Weapons: arm blaster, shoulder missile batteries

Alternate mode: helicopter







Skills: Focus shot, scatter barrage, turbo nitro]

Not bad for starting out as a new gamer as has he finished reviewing all of his stats he took a quick look around the shop which only took about a minute to realize that most of the parts that he could buy from the system shop he's locked out until he reaches a certain cap in level.

finally his dungeon option which he can only go in it twice every three days which is already made the decision to go inside one for today to see if you can get a quick level up after that he would plan to run around Cybertron to see what he can do for his options on this world because he doesn't want to be either a decepticon or a Autobot for both sides have good and strong points for the war but as well as bad points to each one if not now will be in the future will lose the reason why they fight and just continue fighting simply because one is different from the other.

Shaking from his depressive thoughts vail clicks the Start button to begin entering the dungeon after doing so space begins around him and before you know it he's in a completely different area.

Looking around he sees rocky terrain everywhere the world is deeply dark in the clouds block out the sun which is no problem for him since he has night vision pretty handy to be a living machine they can transform.

He did not have to go far to see a zombie transformer also known as a Terracon for this is what happens when the dark energon enters the corpse of a dead transformer resulting in reanimation which said Terracon would proceed to attack anything without discrimination.

Vail: awesome!!!!! This brings back from playing red dead redemption at least I will have fun shooting zombies even though they're transforming zombies.

After voicing his excitement for this whole ordeal he proceeds to line up his blaster on his arm lining up the shot against the Terracon as it made its way towards him and rapid pace however Vail did not panic or given to fear continue to line up his shot and charging his gun at the same time utilizing one of his skills Focus shot which increases the accuracy of any range weapon he has thus making it harder for him to miss.

Pew pew pew

His blaster shoots out concentrated energy hitting the Terracon directly where his spark chamber should be causing significant damage to the zombie transformer however he continues to move without slowing down not caring for the damage he is taking.

Vail continues his shots in both he's arms and legs and finally his head until the Terracon dies and slowly falls apart from all the damage he has taken Vail has taken his first life or first spark in this new reality.


Vail: I didn't get much XP from the guy but better than nothing.

Vail Says he continues to search for more terracons to kill which doesn't take them long to do for this dungeon is full of zombie transformers the moment they Spotted they'll they rushed to him in a tidal wave Of death.

However Vail does not panic from the few thousand terracons for he begins to perform this action since the very moment he set foot in this universe.

Vail: transform!!!!!!!

Vail Transformers for the first time but for him it feels so natural it only last for a few seconds until he's transformers his helicopter Mode.

Using his new form begins directly go into the sky far out of the reach of the Terracon zombies and moments later began to deliver massive barrages of missiles and his skills scatter barrage which makes any explosive damage he deals have wider range which creates much more splash damage from explosive weapons such as his rockets.

As they pop out on the side of his helicopter form and began spewing barrage after barrage Into the horde transformer zombies.

Bam boom boom kaboom!!!!!!

Massive explosions could be heard all around the dungeon attracting more transformer zombies across the sub dimension.

However Vail does not concern himself with it as he continues to unload more missiles into the horde of terracons.

As massive amount zombie transformers hits the ground Vail breaks out in laughter from how much fun he's having.

Vail: ha ha ha ha ha ha killing zombies never gets old no matter what kind they are it is such a joy to see them pop!!

However his fun is cut short as alarms inside his systems begin to blur indicating he's getting low on energon.

Frustrated from having his fun cut short from the lack of fuel even though he came into the dungeon at 100% he takes a look at the devastation he caused is quite satisfied with it.

Transforming back into his robot form it makes his way to the fallen Terracon's the pick up the items they drop as quickly as he can and begins to make his way towards the dungeon exit which takes no little time at all although he has to conserve his fuel and not engage any other terrorcons in the dungeon.

Reaching the exit of the dungeon he reached for a button on the door after doing so reality warps around him sending him back to the location he came from back on Cybertron the same battlefield he woke up from when he came to this universe.

Vail looks at his stats since he didn't get a chance to look at them after he was done massacring zombies.

The start distribute his new stat points from leveling up into his stats making him significantly more stronger and smarter.


Level: 15





Stats points:25/75]

The changes were immediate his strength internal wiring and metal muscles were strengthen and tightened it's processor running faster and more efficient than before and marking him more intelligent however other changes with his stats were not as immediate other than his personal strength and mental capacity he did not feel no other changes.

He looks at his gamer powers again to see if he earned any currency from the dungeon.

[Dungeon currency: 5065 GP]

Vail: awesome I finally got some money and I can use it to buy some new parts let's see what the shop has for me.

Vail Browsing the shop from his gamer powers noticing that now locked out sections are now unlocked thanks to the massive level up in the dungeon.

[Part shop: expanded energon tank: 700gp [Thrusters: 200gp

[Radar cloaking:1000gp

[Extra T-cog:2030gp

[Missile battery upgrade:6000gp

[insecticon transformation mode: 4000gp,beetle mode:4000gp, spider modd:4000gp, grasshopper mode:4000gp

[frame upgrade: 90000gp

[Psychic node link: 50000gp

[Processor upgrade: 70000gp

[Deflector shield: 5000gp]

Vail: decisions decisions I don't know where to start everything so far looks good I bet if I level up more I will get more and better stuff but for now let's see what I can get with what money I got.