Making a smart choice

Vail after some time browsing through his parts shop he decided to take the [Radar cloaking] [Expended energon tanker] and [thrusters] Upon purchasing them changes to his Frame began again.

The time it took was but few moments for him however it was extremely painful but after the integration of the new upgrades into his body had finished the pain went away like it was never there.

Checking his internal systems he began checking down what his upgrade has done to him the radar cloaking made it to where his energy signature and other things are hidden from radar passive scans or even powerful scanners that's making him invisible to them.

They expanded energon tanker self-explanatory but his new thrusters that are installed into his body appeared around his back and the back of his legs giving him significant boosts of speed maneuvering when ever in robot form or vehicle form.

For the first upgrades he purchased he's quite happy with them it will help him significantly survive in this war torn planet and the bodies around him on the battlefield look very fresh he can still practice smell the spill of energon on the ground.

Looking through all the maps in his head that he got it from his body he identified both territories of both factions and some neutral territories as well who have yet to pick a side in the fighting for Cybertron.

So he makes his way towards the neutral cities but before doing so he rips off his Deceptacon emblem and changing his Metal visor he wears instead of one V shape ther are four on it giving him a unique look compared to the other drones.

Plus his different paint job helps him not look like a Deceptacon drone hopefully this will allow him to get inside the neutral city only so few left on Cybertron for every day passes makes each of the neutral cities having to choose either faction to join in order to protect people that are left but that will not work as the fighting grows more fiercer every single bot Will be required to fight on either side soon there will be no civilians left only soldiers.

Vail: let's transform and mobilize!!!!!

Vail saying his own unique catchphrase compared to either Megatron or Optimus prime so he came up with his own and he was very excited to see it as he transformed into his helicopter mode flying towards the neutral city of nex-tr City renowned for its manufacturing capabilities making it one of the top neutral cities in the means of manufacturing raw materials into useful technologies weapons and other items essential for civilians.

He prevents himself from using his thrusters so he doesn't create too much noise and attention to himself even though his stealth radar technology into his body prevents them from being seen on radars and scanners physical sight he can still be seen.

Arriving at nex-tr he sees a battered city all around here high walls and guns and many Cybertroniuns on the wall and guarding however he sees a small spot in their defense and hover around and enter the city several times he had to transforming and scale buildings in order to avoid detection however thanks to he's stealth radar system making infiltration of the city much easier than it would've been.

However all of it was worth it to see at least one city not ravaged by Civil War yet soldiers and civilians like going about their days in the city going to their jobs earning their pay just like any other normal day but vail knows better that this little Peace cannot last.

Walking the streets of the city veil has yet to receive any odd looks from the city's population as he's walking down street by street market by market probably because it's color scheme and alternate mode or he looks nothing like the normal clone trooper drones that Megatron uses.

Some more than likely they think him to a pot that has similar appearance to them because if he was one of them they would've freaked out by now which they haven't.

So ditching his insignia was a good decision after all he's not a part of Megatron's army nor will he be a part of Optimus is he's a free bot and he will be damned if he gives away his freedom to either side he will survive to the end of this war that he promises.

However he was disturbed from his internal thoughts for the sound of metal hitting metal coming from a nearby alley his curiosity getting the better of him makes his way towards the sound.

Upon arriving to the scene he sees two

cybertronians Kicking and beating up a smaller transformer on the ground if this was back in his old world this scene would look similar to two punks picking on a smaller individual.

Making up his mind on what to do in the situation he begins to slowly and calmly walk towards the two as I continue to beat up The smaller transformer which from closer inspection seems to be a young femme.

Vail: hey rust buckets how about you pick someone your own size and frame!!!!

After Vail saying these bold words the two punk transformers and the young femme look towards him while the two punks look annoyed from the fun being interrupted however in the young femme vail could see a glimmer of hope in her optics.