Welcome To The Malayan Continent

Now here's the big question...

How did the Great Ghost God, Sion become an Undead King? Ghosts and the undead were two very different species that both originated from the Underworld!

Back when Augustus X had met Sion, Augustus couldn't tell that the person in front of him was actually a ghost.

And that damn Ghost God wouldn't speak up to change Augustus's wrong impression of him!

Sion, who appeared before Augustus one day, wore a brown cloak stained with blood and had a malicious air about him, making Augustus to think that he was a necromancer!

No wait, it was that damn Ghost God who had orchestrated his meeting with the 100th Devil of Hell, Augustus X!

Augustus trusting him and appointing him as a minister of the Demon Kingdom was all part of his plan!

Everything was going according to plan except for his title...He was given the title of Undead King instead of Ghost King.

It seemed that Augustus failed to see that Sion's feet weren't touching the ground nor did he sense the thick malevolent aura Sion exuded back then.

The Ghost God's original plan to live a low profile life had come to a halt when Augustus X appointed him as the Undead King and gave him the job of protecting the kingdom's safety.

So, when Sion told his plan to live a low profile life to Augustus, Augustus's mind stopped working entirely as he tried to understand this great senior's motives.

Like, which great senior would let go of all his worldly possessions to try and live a low profile life?

Even Augustus who was the Lord of Hell himself highly respected and revered the Great Ghost God legends and achievements!

Finally returning to his senses, Augustus suddenly had the urge to bow down and revere Sion as his master but stopped himself when he realized his legs couldn't even bend down.

'There's no need for you to do that. Just treat me as your minister will do, my lord.' Sion replied after he froze Augustus's leg tendons with a flick of his finger.

"But Undead...Great Senior Sion, you're a ghost. You...you use curses and eat souls to become stronger. Your arsenal of skills doesn't utilize the undead nor any necromancy....Ah, I suddenly share Great Senior's skepticism when I gave you the title of Undead King..." Finally realizing the grave mistake he has caused for the Great Ghost God, Augustus covered his beet red red face with his pale and sickly hands from the immense shame he felt.

"Gah! I feel so embarrassed!"

'Ohohoho? The Lord of Hell, the Devil himself knows how to feel embarrassed??

Did you feel any shame when you fed me material food every lunch break?

Did you feel shame when you assigned me to summon zombies for target practice?

Were you ever embarrassed when you ordered me to fetch your underwear even though you were only a step away from it!

After being beside you for 3 centuries, I've come to understand my lord as a shameless bastard that will use his subordinates for his own pleasures whenever possible!' Sion mocked him without restraint.

After working with Augustus X for 369 years, Sion has collected enough proof to blackmail and mock his lord for being a horrible employer.

"Stop stop stop! Don't expose me more than you should have! I'm the Devil! I'm supposed to be the root of all bad employers! I....I...."

After having all of his misdeeds exposed by his minister, Augustus suddenly thought of something to change the topic.

"Speaking of which, don't zombies burn when exposed to sunlight? Why am I perfectly fine??"

'Augustus, don't compare your measly knowledge of zombies from that childish block game to real life zombies rose fresh from the dead. It is indeed common knowledge for the undead to be weak against fire and light, but not to the point of disintegrating into dust like those gluttonous blood sucking vampires!'

After saying that, Augustus couldn't hear Sion anymore.

"Great Senior, are you there???" Augustus inquired.

'Wait, I'm not finished yet!' Sion quickly returned just as Augustus was about to leave the hilltop his wooden shack was seated on.

Augustus was sure he heard a tinge of desperation within Sion's voice. 'I was eating on wandering souls to replenish myself, don't be so impatient! I haven't told you about the abilities and buffs I've added to your body yet!'

Halting in his tracks, Augustus turned his head around to show Sion a sly smile plastered on his pale face.

Augustus wasn't planning on actually leaving his shack just yet, he just felt bored listening to this self proclaimed Ghost God mock him rampantly. "I'm listening..."

'You...! I...Haiz, it seems that I've been tricked and teased again.' Sion was speechless. His boss was still his boss. It seemed that unrestrained mocking will lead to one's doom earlier than expected.

"Stop beating around the bush and just tell me already!" Augustus yelled impatiently.

He was reborn as a zombie, unless his ex-minister gave him a satisfying list of buffs and abilities, Augustus swore he would consume his ex-minister's soul mercilessly.

'As a zombie reincarnate, I've decided to give a few buffs before you start your real journey. For the first buff, after thinking for 5 years, I've decided to bestow you the passive ability of a skeleton soldier - Pain Reduction. Unless you have your bones crushed into smithereens, you will not feel pain from getting your flesh cut nor getting hurt from blunt objects.' [Sion]

"Well that's a shit skill."

'Silence, you brat! Ahem, as for your second skill, besides your natural passive skills of Poison Resistance and Corrosion Resistance, I've decided to give you the passive skill of a wild zombie - Burning Reduction and an all attribute increase of 10%.' [Sion]

"Ooh, now we're talking. Ignoring all those resistances and that Pain Reduction passive ability you gave me, that all attribute increase of 10% is awesome! Wait, you didn't give me any active skills?"

'Nope, that's it.' Sion nodded.

'You're just starting out as the weakest of the weakest undead in this world. If I were to give you overpowered abilities right from the start, how can you understand and experience the ups and downs of life?'

"What? You mean that's all I get?? Besides being a tank, what other jobs suit me? And to be a tank, I have to build my body first, else I'll just die in one hit...."

'Oh right, I forgot the most important thing after reincarnating someone into another world. The world I reincarnated you into is a world of flying swords and magic combined.

I've reincarnated you into an era where although the strong eating the weak is a belief that still exists here, the voices of the public holds greater strength.

Welcome to my home, the Malayan Continent of the Heavenly Novel Realm.' [Sion]