Three For The Price Of One

Half a month later, inside his cave, Wang Mang slowly woke up after his evolutions.

To be honest, the time taken for these evolutions had exceeded Wang Mang's expectations, and they seemed to last much longer than before.

Previously, each evolution had only taken two or so hours. However, after reaching Tier 4, the hours had turned to days.

"Is this the power of an Immortal Emperor?" Wang Mang muttered to himself.

He could feel the vast energy in his body was already at his disposal. Moreover, his physical body had reached an unprecedented level.

If Wang Mang's body was considered to be made of flesh in the past, then it was now made of iron.

This was the change brought about by becoming stronger. Furthermore, after reaching the Immortal Emperor realm, his recovery ability had also become stronger.

Wang Mang had completed six consecutive evolutions!

The first evolution had cost 500,000 energy points!