Zixia Fairy

After seeing the mission, Wang Mang was stunned and dumbfounded. 

This was the f*cking Journey to the West!

How could the Zixia Fairy be here?

Did she have to go on the Journey to the West too?

Logically speaking, Sun Wukong did not encounter Zixia Fairy when he became a disciple of Patriarch Subhuti.

Could it be that Wang Mang's appearance had caused a butterfly effect?

Thinking this, Wang Mang was a little confused. Was he really going to help Sun Wukong woo her?

However, what if Sun Wukong did not go to the Western Paradise to learn the scriptures? He really did not know what to do, or what would happen if his actions inadvertently changed the course of what should happen in the TV series.

Who knew how far the Journey to the West would go?

Therefore, he hesitated. If this mission was about him, Wang Mang would ignore any potential romantic encounters and choose to pursue cultivation without hesitation.