King Of Pretenders

An Lan? Was this not his new Tier 5 subordinate?


This fellow had arrived just at the right time!

Moments later, in the sky, a white figure was faintly discernible in the clouds, exuding the aura of a Type 5 expert.

In the blink of an eye, this figure descended from the sky, and Wang Mang got a good look at his subordinate. At the same time, he used his information detection skill.

[Target: An Lan]

[Level: Third level Zenith Heaven realm.]

[Character: King of Pretenders.]

[Status: Peak]

[Loyalty: 80%]

Wang Mang was stunned, and then he had a bad feeling. 

In Wang Mang's opinion, Tong Nian was at least a Zenith Heaven realm expert. However, An Lan was only a third-level Zenith Heaven realm expert, which meant that he was an early-stage Zenith Heaven realm expert.