Good Money

These words left Wang Mang speechless. This fellow was really addicted to pretending!

Thinking this, Wang Mang said, "How about this? An Lan, I think that Qingmu City isn't a bad to rule over, so why don't you help me kill all the Tier 5 experts so we can take over Qingmu City together?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, An Lan, who had been pretending to be cool, was left speechless. In fact, he was even a little angry and embarrassed.

At the same time, the system's voice rang out.

[Ding! An Lan is very dissatisfied with the host's behavior. Loyalty-10, Current Loyalty Value: 75!]

After hearing this, Wang Mang gasped. An offhand comment caused the loss of that many loyalty points?

Realizing this, Wang Mang's forehead began to sweat profusely.

He had no doubt that if he were to continue down this line of conversation, An Lan would probably abandon him.