That's What We Do

The cemetery that they were transported in definitely had the eeriest vibes attached to it. It felt like there were a million other eyes that were looking at them from the neck down to see if they would be viable targets, at least that was how Rika felt. "This place, it is giving me some sort of senseless dread." She said to Mikoto and Kuro. The two of them nodded, seemingly supporting what she had just said. "The same goes for us here." Kuro said. Finally, the monotonous night would be broken off by the sound of someone screaming, it was the scream of a woman.

The three of them ran towards where the sound might have come from and saw the monster for themselves. The centuries old samurai who looked like had just sliced off the legs of the woman on the ground, preventing her from running away. "H-Honor…" the samurai kept repeating these words as he slowly but surely approached the woman who was screaming on for her dear life. "We have to save her." Rika said as she jolted forward and took the woman off from the ground and dragged her back to safety. "Get her legs patched up, at least have a little sense of worth as you do shit while we clean up." Rika said to the others who did not wear the red suits; they were petrified in fear at the sight of what they had just seen.

"You believe it now?" She asked Kuro. Kuro only gulped and was now shaking. "Do we take it on?" he asked Mikoto. "If we want to go back, then of course." He replied to him. "Honor yourself." The monstrous samurai said as his flesh was definitely rotting and oozing with such disgusting and vile pus. His smell surely showed that he was not that clean as well, to put it lightly.

He was fixated on Rika, as she was the one who interrupted his kill. "Looks like it wants me." She said with the deadest eyes one can ever have. Even Kuro could see that she was no stranger to this happening, she had been here before. The samurai tried to cut off her limbs, but Rika reacted much faster. She parried the blow and immediately went on the offense, cutting off its head in one fell swoop. A few seconds later, it was already moving on its own with a headless body. "M-Monsters! Run!" the others were now fleeing away from the scene.

"Stop! Your heads are going to explode if you run that way!" Rika shouted at them but they did not listen, she narrowly dodged one more attack from the samurai before Mikoto told her that she has to focus on the foe in front of her. "B-But they are all going to die if they get too far away from here." She said to him. "That is not our problem anymore, Red Moon Renegades only exist to kill these monsters, nothing more, nothing less." Mikoto said.