CHAPTER 53- Wedding arrangements

  Kiera POV

  I really didn't expect all this..Wilf kept smiling at me

  "so had all this planned?" I asked as I sniffed back my tears

  "why not?" he replied and me by my waist

  I sighed and looked deep into his eyes..."I love you Wilf!" I said as he kissed my forehead

  "and I love you more Kiera!" he replied

  The music continued playing..people eating and drinking happily.

  Ted then walked to me by the wine stand.."what's up?" he smiled at me

  "Ted...." that was what I could say now .

  "Congratulations!!" he said and gave me a warm hug

  "Thank you..!!!" I replied as I rubbed his back gently

  "So when are we expecting yours?" I grinned at him

  "really?..that's not your business!!" he laughed

  "you for real?" I pouted

  "I wonder how your mom and dad are doing now?" he said

  "its true....I really wonder!" I laughed

  "but they should have been here!" he replied and looked round.

  "see..everyone is happy..eating and drinking" he said as we looked round.