CHAPTER 54- Mr and Mrs

  Kiera POV

  The engagement party was over, all of us were seated in a black limousine talking and laughing, I really do feel sleepy.

  Wilf Mom decided to go home with her husband and we let them go

  Wilf wanted her to come over to his house buy Nah... let then go back to their house since she has gotten what she wanted.

  The car pulled to a halt before the house...finally I'm home

  "Finally... we are home!" Rae sighed as she opened the door stepping out

  "Uh huh.." Ted smiled

  "Now I'll have your time!" she said as he wrapped his hands around her shoulder and walked into the house.

  "instead of you to help ME with the loads in my hand you're adding yours!" she obviously pouted like a kid.

  Ted didn't say a word he only chuckled...

  I stepped out also with Wilf behind me. His hands encircled my waist.. I smiled and turned to him laughed pecked my forehead

  "mm..they say a kiss on the forehead means a lot than a kiss on the lips!" I said