Zenith's Point Of View

  It immediately woke up and coughed. Maybe water got in his nose. He looked at me in shock.

  "Chi sei? Cosa ci fai qui? Attento! Attento! Non dirmelo!" he was losing his temper so I just smiled.

  (Who the hell are you? What are you doing here in my room ?! Guards! Guards! Don't come near!)

  Is this really the king of Italy? It was as if no one was pulling and the old man was just decrepit in my eyes. I approached him again and pulled out my sharp nails.

  "Non mi conosci? Sono l'unico re in questo paese, quindi una volta che avrò fatto qualcosa di male, non potrò lasciare questo paese vivo!" he roared. Even in the tone of his voice he was obviously terrified.

  (Don't you know me? I am the King of this country so at the time you did something bad to me. You will never be able to leave this country alive!)

  Well, if that's what happens. I'll be glad to welcome everyone. And at the very least, there will be fewer people like him in this world. He doesn't deserve to live, he really deserves hell.

  "Questo e il tuo ultimo giorno, re Sergio.."

  (This is your last day, King Sergio)

  Suddenly I pulled his hair to make it look up to me and I could focus the nail on his neck. He was immediately sweaty and trembling. Tsk.

  "Non voglio essere breve per non aver sentito le tue ultime parole prima di colpire il fiato, quindi ti do dieci secondi... Uno," I began to count. It swallowed deeply.

  (I don't want to be rude so as not to hear your last words before I take your breath away so I'll give you ten seconds … One.)

  "Due" (Two)

  "Abbi pietà! No uccidermi, ti darò tutto quello che vuoi!" he begged.

  (Have mercy! Don't kill me, I'll just give you everything you want!)

  I ignored that and continued counting. "Tre .." (Three)

  "Mi dispiace, non ho bisogno Di niente da te …" I said.

  (I'm sorry, I don't need anything from you.)

  But he continued to beg. "Soldi? Ricchezza? Dimmi alone, not uccidermi and just!" (Money, wealth? Just say just please don't kill me!)

  "Lascia che te lo dica, sono anche più ricco di te, quindi non perderò nulla. Restituisci i tuoi soldi al legittimo proprietario. Cinque."

  (Let me tell you, I'm even richer than you so I won't do anything there. Just give back the money to the right owner in the first place. Five … )

  "Cosa intendi?" he asked as if no one knew.

  (What do you mean?)

  I tightened my grip on her hair even more. "Affinché tu abbia rivolto tutte le tue ricchezze alla gente di questo paese, re Sergio. Io sono un re senza valore, quindi non dovresti vivere ancora a lungo. Otto...

  (I know you just stole all your wealth from the people of this country, King Sergio. You are a worthless king so you don't deserve to live. Eight … )

  We were both silent to hear the loud voice outside.

  "Compra queste sciocchezze! Non capisci? Ho scambiato il tuo paese, per cosa? In denaro? Il denaro può essere paragonato alla tua dignità? Se è così , allora dovresti rimanere in questo mondo!" after that we heard cries and roaring. I turned to the king who could no longer paint his face.

  (Stop this madness! Don't you see? You are betraying your own country, for what? With

  money? Can money buy your dignity ?! If that's the case, you shouldn't stay in this world either!) "Dieci" (Ten)

  And then he stayed by pressing a nail on his neck, the bleeding did not stop. When I was sure that he was really dead, I removed the nail from him.

  "Riposa all'inferno, re Sergio. Sono solidale con il tuo paese," I said to his cold body. (Rest in hell, King Sergio. I sympathize with your country.)

  After that I went to the balcony to see what happened again. They did it well, all the guards were lying on the ground.

  "It's up to you to lift the corpse here! Aren't you done?!" I shouted.

  They looked at me in shock. I just stared at Vior's face, his eyes turned blue. He's a different person when he is on mission, I guess.

  I went out of the room and a woman about my age came up to me. She's the princess …

  "You've done it, huh? You really killed my dad. Thank you," she said to my surprise, she could speak English.

  I ignored her and passed out.

  "Please, bring him to Bermuda Triangle. He belongs there. I don't want to see the body of my devil father," I heard her say.

  I wanted to ask what was her reason for killing her own father but I never did.

  She's a weird one.

  "We will. Don't worry …" I said then left her there to give her time to say goodbye to her dead father.

  When I got out of the palace, I saw the Widows just standing on the corpse guards.

  "We're done here. Tremendous, you take care of the king's corpse. We need to move fast before anyone from outside finds out what happened. Next stop, Bermuda Triangle …" said Manuever.

  I almost forget about that.

  Moments later Tremendous returned carrying the cold body of King Sergio.

  "Jewel …" Manuever called.

  "I'm on it. Just hold me and Uno, it's a bit painful but we have to teleport to the pier."

  Without a groan Widow and Venom laid their hands on Jewel's shoulder. Next were Sage and Kindred who sat on Widow and Venom, that's how we were and as the last one I was Vior I would lay my hand on. But he suddenly grab my hand and hold it.

  The rest of us just looked at us.

  "What? We have to hurry, don't talk anymore," Vior told them and then the power went out.

  They all just smiled. "Okay, if you said so." Suddenly I felt heavier as a circle appeared below


  Then after the one blast. Here we are right by the ocean, I didn't expect that was fast. Really fast!

  They let go of each other but Vior still held my hand.

  "Hey …" I call his attention.

  He turned to me. "What?" he asked.

  I looked at his hand still not letting go of me.

  "Oh, that. I have no intention of letting you go from now on. We're going to the Bermuda Triangle so I won't let you get lost next to me," he explained, frowning at me.


  "Ehem. It's just a way."

  "You mean, you won't let go Zenith because you're afraid of losing her."

  Vior looked at them wickedly to keep quiet. "Shut up, will you?"

  "Aish, that's enough … Come on, we still have a long way to go before we reach the Bermuda Triangle," Manuever insisted.

  I just ignored them. Tremendous and I started walking so we just followed while still holding Vior's hand.

  We stopped at a large ship that was actually used for long-distance sailing. Who will run that?

  "Widow, it's up to you. Can you handle this kind of ship?" I looked at Manuever talking to your Widow. Is she smart?

  It just nodded. "Of course, even submarines I'm smart." then board the ship first. It turns out that they are also being dragged.

  Vior grabbed my attention when he suddenly raised his hand to both of us. His eyes are still not back to normal.

  "No matter what happens, stay with me. Okay? Don't give up, Zenith …"

  I don't know but I just nodded at him. What the heck is that?

  I’m also losing myself.