Chapter 125: Breaking the Chess Game!_1

As soon as Lu Rang made his move, he broke through three games consecutively!

Moreover, he broke each game so simply!

Even the toughest third game was won with just seven moves, defeating his opponent.

By the fourth game, he had even forced his opponent to change tactics!

What does this mean?

"It seems that even Xiao Yan, the strongest just now, did not manage to do this..."

"Xiao Yan? He's far behind. Xiao Yan has to ponder deeply over the chessboard, unlike Lu Rang, who casually places a few pieces and secures victory!"

"He's invincible. Where does this Lu Rang come from? What is his background?"

Everyone was extremely shocked.

"A prodigy of ancient times, this is indeed a true prodigy of ancient times!"

"Born Divine Hand… To possess such cultivation at his age!"

The three Chess Saints exclaimed in surprise!

Even Little Chess Saint Lu Xing was now staring dumbfounded at Lu Rang.

How terrifying must the opponent be?