Chapter 126 Guidance to Immortality_1

The Golden Skeleton appeared opposite Lu Rang.

It caused a huge shock among everyone present.

If one were to say that the White Jade Skeleton before merely possessed a trace of an immortal aura, then the Golden Skeleton that appeared now had an aura of immortality that was incredibly dense!

"What exactly is buried in the Burial Immortal Mountain Range?"

"The opportunities of this place are terrifying to the extreme..."

"Lu Rang, this child, is bound to defy the heavens..."

All those present felt extreme emotion!

Within Xiao Yan's body, even the First Immortal General Yang Miechen, who had fallen into slumber just moments before, exclaimed in shock:

"Battle Li, the Quasi-Immortal Monarch... from the First Heavenly Realm, he once slaughtered three beings of the same realm and fought to his death against the Holy Golden Immortal Monarch of the Western Immortal Realm?!"


While everyone was in shock, the Golden Skeleton made its move and placed a piece!