Chapter 260: Is Senior Li a Quasi-Saint?_1

The crops in the field were almost all planted.

"Heading back to the village!"

Everyone was packing up, ready to return.

The villagers were bustling and never-ending, supporting the old and carrying the young.

Some carried teapots, others shouldered wooden plows, and some carried hoes; a group of children, holding wooden swords shaved by sickles, were running happily ahead.

It was completely a picture of farmers returning to their mountain village.

It looked harmonious and lively.

But at this moment, walking among the crowd, following behind Li Fan, Ji Changming, Ji Qingke, and Ji Qingyue were sweating profusely from their foreheads!

"Grandpa, why do the wooden swords in those children's hands feel so terrifying? Their aura seems to surpass the Immortal Path and are Saintly Dao Items!"

A child carrying a wooden sword ran past Ji Qingke, making her look nervous!